
With Internet for Equal Opportunities ( Egalnet ) Program The aim of the program is to efficiently support the operation of organizations dealing with disadvantaged groups, by taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the Internet. Egalnet is a community site which enables the registered organizations to contact and communicate. We also enable those users who do not yet have an own site, to create one here with the help of a simple program. Those organizations that already have their own site may also join this community site if they answer the above criteria.

In 2009, it was the second time that homepages registered at Egálnet could compete and receive prizes at the prize ceremony. You can red more about the event under the related topics.

The following groups and/or foundations, associations of the organizations / societies supporting those groups may register on Egálnet:

Small localities

small localities, regional communities, organizations

People under the age of 25

those people under 25 who are not employed in any regular paying job

Minority communitiese

e.g. ethnic minorities living in Hungary

People with disabilities


Unemployed people

Organizations promoting the placement of unemployed people (e.g. labor market centers, placement offices, re-training centers, etc.)

Retired people

Pensioners' communities, groups helping retired people (e.g. senior citizens' clubs, pensioners' clubs, etc.)

Mothers on maternity leave, family helpers

Organizations of women on prolonged leave from work due to child birth and child-raising, their supporters (e.g. Gyed, Gyes clubs) and family helping organizations

Non-profit organizations


organizations not listed above and dealing with people in disadvantaged situation