Sustainability Reports - Magyar Telekom Group

Sustainability Reports


When compiling its Sustainability Repot, Magyar Telekom Group takes into account the views expressed by its stakeholders, i.e. you.
Please, fill in the questionnaire, and share with us the sustainability topics you deem important / interesting.

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Magyar Telekom Group has committed, among other things, to publish reports about its sustainability performance annually.

After 2019, Magyar Telekom won the Deloitte Green Frog Award for "Best Corporate Sustainability Report" in 2022.

Since 2004, these reports have always summarized the Group’s operation, activities and achievements along the principles of sustainability. When the reports are compiled the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) latest guidelines are applied, thus ensuring compliance with the principle that the reports are to be the cornerstones ensuring transparency and international comparability. The 2023 Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards.

In order to ensure authenticity, the reports are always certified by independent, third parties, and the relevant assurance statements are attached to them. The report has been audited byPricewaterhouseCoopers Könyvvizsgáló Kft. and they assure the information contained therein to be reliable. The assurance process has been designed and conducted in accordance with the ISAE3000 and ISAE3410 standards, defined by the International Federation of Accountants.

As in previous years, the 2023 report also addresses our progress achieved in the context of the principles set forth by the UN Global Compact. Magyar Telekom committed to the UN Global Compact and the 10 principles set forth therein regarding human rights, working conditions, environment and anticorruption in 2009.

The 2023 report represents the main targets of the Magyar Telekom’s fith sustainability strategy (2021-2030) and the results of the third year. The strategic goals were developed with the aim to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set forth in 2015. Our contribution to these goals is being highlighted in each chapter of the report and in an additional appendix.

The Sustainability Report is compiled in real teamwork based on close cooperation among the relevant units and affiliates.

We welcome any comments regarding the sustainability reports sent to the e-mail address.

In order to get easier the relevant information from 2018 we publish the reports by chapters as well.

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