Together for a sustainable future - Magyar Telekom csoport

Together for a sustainable future

Connecting people is not just our job, it’s our responsibility. And it goes beyond the digital world. That’s why we are now giving the starting signal for more: more sustainability, more responsibility, more digital participation. With our new #GreenMagenta and #GoodMagenta labels, we demonstrate how we live up to our responsibility for the environment and society.



This category describes products, services, projects, measures and initiatives that make a positive contribution towards more climate protection and a responsible use of resources.



This category describes services, projects, measures and initiatives that make a positive contribution towards social challenges in the digital world like digital skills development, digital parenting and diversity and equal opportunities.

Sustainability and Telekom

What we do in the present determines the lives of future generations. By adopting a responsible approach and applying sustainable solutions, we strive to make the future livable to the greatest possible extent.

Klíma és környezetvédelem

Climate and Environment protection



Sokszínűség és esélyegyenlőség

Diversity & Inclusion

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