About Magyar Telekom

About Magyar Telekom

About our company

Magyar Telekom as Hungary's leading ICT provider connects to its customers life a million ways. Phone, broadband, TV and IT: we have a high quality, reliable and uniquely wide service range. With our innovative solutions we aspire not only to lead but also to form the market.

Company history

How did Hungarian Post become Matáv, then Magyar Telekom? Follow the history of the company from 1989 to the present.



Learn about the Magyar Telekom Group's management.



As a leading info-communication service provider of the region, our company is committed to the principle of sustainable development and to the cause of corporate social responsibility.


Telekom for Digital Hungary

Digital Hungary is a vision where - based on digital competences - private persons, companies and the state alike use state-of-the-art digital services through the world-class digital infrastructure.


Magyar Telekom Group

Learn about the Magyar Telekom Group's activities.



The Management and Board of Magyar Telekom Group are unanimous in their commitment that the Magyar Telekom Group will conduct all business activities in accordance with the highest legal and ethical standards.


Related contents


Press Room

Investor news

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