Your data at Telekom

You entrusted us with your personal data and it means a lot to us. Data are important and sensitive elements of our customer relations and that is why we collected the most important questions and answers below in a readily comprehensible manner. We do hope that the below information helps you to understand how we process your personal data. However, this short informative shall not be deemed as a replacement of Magyar Telekom Plc’s (“Telekom”) official data processing information material, agreements (which will govern your legal relationship with Telekom even if there is any discrepancy between this material and the official documents, agreements).

Personal data

Personal data includes all information related to you. We need your personal data so that we can conclude an agreement and you can use our services.


Data security

Violations of data security can cause material and non-material damages, so we are constantly evaluating and taking the necessary measures to reduce the relevant risk.



Amellett, hogy jogszabály felhatalmaz minket adataid tárolására, vannak olyan esetek, mikor te bízod ránk adataidat azért, hogy abból előnyöd származzon.


Location data

Location data is generated when your router is connected to the internet or when your mobile phone is connected to a mobile base station.


Call information

The data generated from phone calls is personal data and, as such, is granted special protection.



In the case of its own websites, Magyar Telekom Plc., like several other website operators, controls cookies and log files.



The use of the internet generates a large amount of data and we need to process them for service provisioning purposes.


Information on using Telekom TV

In the case of a Telekom TV subscription it is necessary to conclude a subscription contract. The TVGO service can be used without a subscription contract.



Our applications (e.g. Telekom App, Futótárs, Hello Holnap, Mobilvásárlás, Műsorújság) make our lives simpler and more enjoyable.


Data protection guidance