Digital Nyíregyháza - Telekom

Digital Nyíregyháza

The first phase of Digital Hungary is implemented in the city of Nyíregyháza where Magyar Telekom launched complex development projects together with the Ministry of National Development and the Municipality of Nyíregyháza.

The pillars of the development program are as follows: development of the digital infrastructure, digital services and digital skills. Thanks to the development, new opportunities are presented to local citizens and the city may further improve its efficiency as well as the competitiveness of its enterprises.

Within the Digital Nyíregyháza subprogram Magyar Telekom intensively developed its network in the city last year - at its own cost - (in the amount of 500 million HUF) thus by the end of the year several thousand more households had access to high-speed broadband internet. The development continued in 2016 so that customers may enjoy better service quality, mainly through higher data transmission and internet speed. In practice the development results in simpler contact keeping, fast as well as secure image and video downloading and sharing capabilities. The modern network offers new services, e.g. several interactive TV services with options to pause and rewind live broadcasts, scheduled recording of programs, digital TV guide, video on demand and various online applications are also made available through TV screens.

Besides the fixed line network development Telekom continued the implementation of its high-speed 4G mobile network in Nyíregyháza and its suburbs. The city already has a 99% outdoor 4G network coverage. Nyíregyháza was the first in Hungary where in December 2015 Telekom made available 300 Mbit/sec nominal download speed in its mobile internet network. This was facilitated by the LTE-Advanced technology, providing the highest available mobile internet speed in Hungary and representing the next step in 4G technology.

Thanks to the new developments now it is possible to transform Nyíregyháza into a truly digital city and based on the latest info-communication solutions new and higher-quality services can be offered in a safer environment to the community. Through the digitalization of the city a new digital environment can be created to make the city attractive for production companies with high added value. An important milestone of the Digital Nyíregyháza subprogram is the implementation of digital city services to be realized by Magyar Telekom’s subsidiary, T-Systems Hungary, as the winner of the development tender.

Within the frame of the Telekom Smart Digital program the company promotes and supports the development of digital literacy too. Telekom’s volunteers coached hundreds of local students on the conscious and safe use of the internet in various local schools. The company also offers an intense series of coaching sessions for adults and retired citizens on the use of the internet.

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