Digital Hungary to be launched in Nyíregyháza - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Digital Hungary to be launched in Nyíregyháza

Budapest, November 12, 2014 10:30

  • Nyíregyháza is to be the first stage of implementation of Digital Hungary as a result of Telekom’s developments
  • Pillars of the development program: development of digital infrastructure, digital services and digital competencies
  • The program can be implemented in cooperation with the players involved

Christopher Mattheisen, Magyar Telekom’s Chief Executive Officer announced today in his speech at the T-Systems Symposium held in Budapest that Magyar Telekom launched extensive developments in order to implement Digital Hungary as articulated in the partnership agreement signed with the Government, the first stage of which will be Nyíregyháza.

Digital Hungary may turn into a reality first in Nyíregyháza, due to which new chances will open up for this city’s residents, and the city’s efficiency and the competitiveness of businesses may also improve. Nyíregyháza is an ideal location as it develops intensively, internationally ronowned companies and their suppliers are present there along with several great initiatives that can be readily integrated with the concept of Digital Hungary and will offer a fine breeding ground for cooperation.

Christopher Mattheisen, Magyar Telekom’s Chief Executive Officer emphasised:
“The implementation of Digital Hungary is an important issue that can turn everybody a winner. The implementation requires the cooperation of all players concerned, the state, the telecommunication and ICT market players, as well as local governments, other companies and NGOs. The pillars of our developments are digital electronic services available to all, digital infrastructure that is necessary for their operation as well as digital competencies indispensable for their use. We have invested hundreds of billions forints already so far in the network infrastructure nationwide and we offer services making the everyday life of citizens easier while also spearheading digital education for a long time. Yet it will happen for the first time that we offer all this together in a particular area and city.”

Due to the partnership of service providers and the local government Nyíregyháza is to be the first city in Hungary where the vision of Digital Hungary comes true. The aim in Nyíregyháza is to have the high speed  internet accessible for every household by the end of 2015, which Telekom will promote by investing hundreds of millions of forints. Through this the most advanced digital services will become available also in those homes where it has not been possible so far. This will greatly enhance the achievement of targets set forth in the National Infocommunication Strategy and the Digital Nation Development Program too. The developments launched now will take place simultaneously and aligned with each other, in order to roll out broadband digital infrastructure, make digital services accessible and develop digital competencies necessary for their use through education and training of residents.

Due to these developments the road will open up for Nyíregyháza to become a digital city and on the basis of the latest ICT solutions, even higher quality city services become available there and also a safer environment be established, supportive of community life. Through the digitalization of the city an urban environment can be created which is capable of hosting competitive companies generating high added value. Magyar Telekom’s subsidiary, T-Systems Hungary as the country’s market leading ICT solution provider possesses all capabilities through which it is able to play a long-term role in introducing and offering digital city solutions connected to the targets of Digital Hungary.

Telekom has already pioneered so far the development of digital competencies. In the framework of its Okosdigitális (‘SmartDigital’) education program Telekom’s employees have conducted training on a voluntary basis for tens of thousands of primary and secondary school pupils, reaching out to parents and teachers too. In addition, thousands of people in disadvantaged areas are helped by them for years now to get acquainted with the digital world through Digital Bridge events, which are by now an inseparable part of Smart Digital. The education programs in which Telekom considers local businesses as its partners, have started in Nyíregyháza simultaneously with today’s announcement.

Magyar Telekom is planning to implement similar develepment projects throughout the country until the target date of 2018 specified also in the Partnership cooperation agreement for Digital Hungary, utilizing the results and experience gained during the program launched in Nyíregyháza. It is our shared goal that high-speed broadband internet should reach every household in Hungary by 2018, i.e. two years ahead of the deadline set for 2020 in the Digital Agenda of the European Union.

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