Sustainable supplier chain management process

Sustainable supplier chain management process

Formerly we did not monitor our suppliers’ emissions that can be connected to their cooperation with Magyar Telekom. Now we have a sustainable supplier chain management process in place which is built on an internationally renowned professional basis.

The objective of the sustainable supplier chain management process, which is a key strategic objective, is that Magyar Telekom's commitment to sustainability becomes part of the operational of our suppliers, too and to ensure that our basic sustainability principles are present in the operation of our suppliers as well. As part of the process we review our suppliers’ sustainability efforts in relation to their energy consumption and emission related to their activities with Magyar Telekom. In 2016 a total of 18 companies took part directly in the process which represents 3,83% of the total purchase of value (in 2015 this rate was 10,86%). We informed our suppliers on the results and provided them feedback on their performance broken down to various topics. Besides, we provided more detailed information via email or telephone to those partners who specifically requested this information.

In its everyday activities, Magyar Telekom takes committed, proactive and transparent actions to make sustainability part of its identity, and also to enable its partners to become conscious stakeholders of sustainable development. This is why we are especially happy about this cooperation in the frame of which we know much more about our suppliers’ sustainability efforts.

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