These types of investments were first made in the nineteenth century in the United States were various churches expressed their concerns if worshippers invested in enterprises making profit on selling alcohol, cigarettes and firearms. In the 1960s people started to focus on ethical considerations when buying shares on the stock market, in other words they took into account the environmental and social responsibility performance of the respective company besides it's financial achievements. Those who chose responsible investments have been served by specialized investment funds and the capital power of these funds increased rapidly in the last decades.
Magyar Telekom’s sustainability performance is continuously monitored by MSCI and FTSE Russell. In their indices Magyar Telekom’s postion is stable amongst the top corporates of the telecommunication sector. Moreover our company’s sustainability performance is also assessed by ISS ESG of Deutche Börse AG and Sustainalytics.
Magyar Telekom takes part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Within the framwork of the worldwide initiative corporates can report their approach to climate protection, the climate-related risks connected to their operations, their opportunities and their carbon emmissions. We report according to CDP Climate and CDP Supply Chain every year.