Magyar Telekom considers the diversity of its personnel a business advantage. In compliance with our Diversity Policy, we promote and recognize the diversity represented by our employees, partners and business environment. Also, as a responsible employer, we put special emphasis on ensuring anti-discriminatory practices and equal opportunity at work, as well as strive to ensure equal opportunity treatment for certain disadvantaged groups of employees. In order for the above, we have adopted and in our operations fully comply with the following documents, as well as launch equal opportunity projects.

Kép leírása: Szociális Charta

Code of Human Rights and Social Principles

Social standards are transparent and obligatory for the whole group of companies through the Code of Human Rights and Social Principles, which has been developed in accordance with internationally recognized norms, directives and standards.

Kép leírása: hello holnap! díjcsomagok

hello holnap! tariff packages

The “hello holnap” tariff packages have been designed in cooperation with Hungarian interest representation organization (AOSZ, ÉFOÉSZ, MEOSZ, MVGYOSZ), and provide discount-rate services to our handicapped customers, in line with their specific needs. From July 2016, fleet packages are available that provide discount to an additional two customers, besides the one affected, i.e. friends, family or helpers.

Kép leírása: Sokszínűségi politika

Diversity Policy

Our corporate values and brand require that we recognize, value and utilize the personal and individual diversity of all of our stakeholders (shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers). Members of Magyar Telekom Group’s Management Committee, Board of Directors and management bear a special responsibility in implementing diversity within the Group by acting as role models in terms of diversity, tolerance and inclusion, as well as promoting and recognizing commitment to the cause.

Kép leírása: Esélyegyenlőségi terv

Equal Opportunities Plan

On January 01, pursuant to the opportunity presented by Act CXXV/2003 on equal treatment and equal opportunity and the practice introduced at Magyar Telekom Plc in September 2010, 2016, Magyar Telekom and T-Systems Hungary signed the fourth consequent Equal Opportunities Plan valid through December 31, 2020, which aims to ensure compliance with equal treatment standards, diversity, as well as monitoring and improvement of the employment status of specific disadvantaged groups of employees.

Kép leírása: Sokszínűségi Karta

Diversity Charter

On October 20, 2016, Magyar Telekom signed the European Diversity Charter, thus committing to become a founder signatory party to European Diversity Charter Hungary.

Kép leírása: Civil és CivilNET díjcsomagok

Civil and CivilNET tariff packages

It was to support the work of NGOs that Telekom established the Civil and CivilNET tariff packages, which are available upon application subject to approval, and offer discount-rate phone and internet access. Applications must be submitted by May 31, 2017. Winners are selected, as is the tradition by now, Telekom’s Donations Committee. he winning NGOs may use the packages for one year.