Environment protection is especially important for us, and we put extra emphasis on climate protection in the context of our operations. In addition to sustainable and responsible operations, we believe it is our responsibility to make our customers, vendors and partners more climate conscious, too, i.e. providing opportunities to them to make their lives more environment-conscious.

Magyar Telekom is committed to environment protection. We were the first among Hungarian large enterprises and one of the first among international telecoms to become carbon-neutral in 2015.

Kép leírása: Long-term emission reduction targets

Long-term emission reduction targets

In 2018 we were the first and only company in Hungary, whose long-term emission reduction targets have been approved by Science Based Target initiatives:

  • reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions 30% by 2030 from a 2017 base-year
  • reduse absolute Scop 3 GHG emissions 30% by 2030 from a 2017 base-year

In 2021, we designed our new five-year-strategy’s climate protection cornerstones in line with our long-term commitments which include the reduction of our direct and indirect emissions to zero.

Kép leírása: Extranet Green 1GB extension option

Extranet Green 1 GB extension option

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our times, and we know that the technologies used now hugely affect the climate of tomorrow. We would like to offer the choice to our customers who consider it as important as we do to fight against climate change to pick a service that serves the purpose of protecting the climate. That is why we came up with the globally unique ExtraNet Green 1 GB option.

Kép leírása: Energiafelhasználás

Energy consumption

We strive to decrease the energy consumption of the Group, and buy 100% of the electric power we use from renewable sources.

Kép leírása: Környezetvédelmi irányelvek

Environment protection guidelines

Magyar Telekom (MT) is committed to assuming a leading role in terms of its existing and new activities in the area of environment protection. Being aware of the needs and ambitions of the present and future generations, MT keeps in focus all the relevant aspects affecting its own activities and those pursued in preceding and consequent stages of the value chain.

Kép leírása: Klímavédelem

Our commitment to biodiversity conservation

Preserving biodiversity and protecting against deforestation have been important issues for Deutsche Telekom for several years. We are underlining the importance with this commitment, brought to life via a wide range of measures along our value chain.

Kép leírása: Energiahatékonyság

Energy efficiency

Magyar Telekom puts extra emphasis on investing into technologies that future operations can benefit from. In order to decrease our energy consumption, we adopt energy-efficient assets as part of developing our networks, and in the spirit of our new strategy, we measure not only the energy efficiency of the equipment we use, but that of ones used by our customers, too. Our goal is to enable our customers to save energy and environmental resources.

Kép leírása: Készülékmenedzsment

Device managment and device disposal

Telekom finds it important to keep its customers up-to-date on responsible and environment-conscious solutions and practices. The following article is about how you can sustainably recycle still usable electronic devices, like cell phones that you do not need any longer.

Kép leírása: Klímavédelem

Climate protection

The climate of the future is greatly influenced by the technologies we use today. Being a responsible corporation, Magyar Telekom does its best to ensure that the technologies applied exercise the least detrimental impact possible on the climate.

Kép leírása: Környezeti mutatók

Enviromental indicators

The environment-conscious nature of our operations can also be measured in numbers, i.e. environmental indicators. Their use allows us to document our environmental activities and to track the progress.

Kép leírása: Környezetközpontú irányítási rendszerek

Environment-focused managment systems

Magyar Telekom takes into account the relevant aspects of sustainability and environment protection in the context of its own operations, too. In that, it relies upon management systems compliant with international standards, like ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 27000, ISO 22300 and ISO 50000.

Kép leírása: Környezettudatos közlekedés

Environment-conscious transportation

Educating our employees forms a major part of our company’s sustainability efforts. Telekom offers the option to its employees to adopt environment-conscious transportation means in Budapest and between sites in the countryside, as well as have introduced telework and the technological platforms required for conference calls, which lead to the elimination of thousands of kilometers of travel each year.