Magyar Telekom among top sustainable companies globally - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Magyar Telekom among top sustainable companies globally

Budapest, October 20, 2021 11:00

ISS Corporate Solutions ranked Magyar Telekom to be among the best performers of the telecom sector in terms of sustainability based on the company’s sustainability achievements in 2020.

ISS ESG Corporate Rating assesses companies potentially recommended to investors across the world against more than 100 indicators on an annual basis. According to their latest assessment, Magyar Telekom is among the best of the sector: with its B Prime rating ISS Corporate Solutions recommends Magyar Telekom as a responsible investment.

Magyar Telekom has recently received two different positive feedbacks based on independent ESG assessments regarding its sustainability practices: FTSE Russell (FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirmed that based on Magyar Telekom’s independent assessment against the FTSE4Good criteria, the company met the requirements subject to which it can remain part of the FTSE4Good index family, at the same time, CDP’s (Carbon Disclosure Project) Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) assessment ranked Magyar Telekom to be among the top 7%, where MT is the only Hungarian company of such ranking.
The responsible investor assessments evaluate companies’ sustainability objectives and achievements based on their public data, which are also presented as part of Magyar Telekom’s annual Sustainability Report.

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