Press Releases
Hungary’s mobile network among the best of the world
Budapest, July 18, 2019 11:00
According to Opensignal’s latest study of 87 countries, the average download speed of Hungarian mobile networks is 32.7 Mbps, which is almost twice as fast as the global average of less than 20 Mbps. With this, Hungary is the 11 th fastest in the world, and 6 th fastest in Europe, overtaking countries like the Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, or Japan. Mobile networks are the fastest in South Korea (52.4 average speed), Norway (48.2 Mbps average speed) and Canada (42.5 Mbps).
Hungarian networks were at the top of the league based on the other examined criteria: in terms of upload speed (11.4 Mbps average speed) and 4G coverage (91.1%) they were 8 th in the world, while in terms of latency and mobile video experience came in at second place worldwide, based on customers’ measurements.

With this, Hungary came in at third place overall:

According to Magyar Telekom’s measurements, the outdoor population coverage of its 4G network exceeds 99%, while its indoor
coverage is close to 89%, thanks to continuous
developments. The service is available in 2700 Hungarian settlements of less than six thousand
inhabitants. The 4G+ service, with a 2-300 Mbps nominal maximum speed, is available to almost 40% of the population.
Tibor Rékasi, CEO of Magyar Telekom said that „Between 2014 and 2018 Magyar Telekom spent close to 240 billion HUF in Hungary on the infrastructure development of mobile and fixed networks, we are glad that the results can already be felt by the customers as well. The continuous development of the networks will be essential for ensuring that the quality of domestic mobile networks remain world class, hence Hungary can be a major player in the digital competition.”
Opensignal’s study titled „The State of Mobile Network Experience – Benchmarking 5G” can be seen at the following link: