Telekom Announcing Press Award Again - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Telekom Announcing Press Award Again

Budapest, October 3, 2014 14:00

Publications from home are expected until next May covering in plain language and positively any environmental, social or business phenomenon, initiative or situation within the topic of sustainability. Winning publicists and bloggers may win half a million HUF in each category with their contents published in the competition cycle to span eight months.

It is the third year Magyar Telekom and the Sustainability Media Club is announcing the sustainability press award competition. The number of entrants has been growing from one year to the other and the content is becoming increasingly richer with which the aim of the founders of the award is reached: the formation of social thinking.

„This test is an enormous possibility for journalists who believe in the change of attitudes while they have to be clearly aware that these contents are not the most popular and widely read ones. The award is, on the one hand, a major professional confirmation of the fact that we are on the right track, on the other hand it opens up new doors: personally for me one of my old dreams seems to become true: I am working on establishing a sustainability blog,” said Nóra Hagara-Nagy journalist and blogger, one of last year’s winners

Founders are expecting entries in three categories this year as well:

„Bottom view” category for event reviews, stories and initiatives of a private or individual nature or involving local and smaller communities that start from the grassroots and provide examples of either requiring help or offering some solution,

„Panoramic view” category for insights into the country’s social, environmental and business phenomena, effects and mutual impacts as well as green topics, innovation and education,

The „e-world” category invites entries with contents exploring digital education and closing the digital divide, digital literacy, digital hygiene and netiquette, the possibilities and risks users of the virtual world, primarily children, are exposed to.

The net award in all three categories is HUF 500 thousand.

For more details click here.

Magyar Telekom has been addressing sustainability issues resulting from its operation for nearly 20 years, and in 2000 it was among the first Hungarian businesses having established a separate environment protection unit, subsequently coordinating the company’s responsible operation processes. Telekom’s sustainability activities are distinguished by their comprehensive, projected and long-term approach, and the company is currently implementing already its third five-year sustainability strategy.
The Sustainability Media Club is the community of media and their staff members. It rallies representatives of press organs that are open to responding to negative global phenomena not only by communicating facts and criticism, but also intend to promote improvement, evaluating, apart from giving news of the good examples by their active participation.

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