Hello tomorrow! app New Telekomapp and game, collecting donations - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

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Hello tomorrow! app New Telekomapp and game, collecting donations

Budapest, November 13, 2014 10:30

Living in an environmentally conscious, sustainable way and maintaining the level of motivation is not easy, if results do not show immediately. It is so much simpler though, when actions can be converted into money, which can be donated for charity purposes.

Telekom started off based on the above thought, creating and launching the hello tomorrow! mobile phone application, the essence of which is that while performing certain tasks supporting sustainable development, application users can earn points that can be redeemed into Forints and spent on donations.

Users of the application – which can be downloaded on both Android and iOS – become participants of an extensive game, in which they can be involved in fulfilling different tasks – e.g. participation at the Telekom events and those of the partners – as well as other actions and self committed tasks. Points earned by overcoming challenges can be converted in Forints using the application, and the amounts can be donated to organizations fighting for sustainability related objectives, that the user attaches importance to. The application includes versatile challenges and the participant chooses which one to commit to. It is worthwhile performing as many as possible, as all of them are worth points!

Game partners of the hello tomorrow! application include 30km.hu, Oscar teleauto, ShoppingBag shoppers’ community, as well as supporters like EcoService, Foundation for Democratic Youth, Green Youth association, Civilian College foundation and Contemporary Architect Center.

Telekom also targets with the hello tomorrow! app that all initiatives to offer more possibilities and content for inter-personal digital communication, should become available for everyone. All these on the largest 4G network* of Hungary.

The app can be downloaded from Google Play and Apple Store. Downloading and participation in the game is free of charge, but conditioned upon registration. Using and downloading hello tomorrow! may generate data traffic, the data charges are payable by players according to the relevant tariffs of their mobile operator.

About hello tomorrow!

hello tomorrow!  launched in 2010 is the umbrella name of the versatile sustainability activities of Magyar Telekom, intended to communicate initiatives and actions to customers in an easy to understand way, as well as to set examples to ever more people, how to lead a sustainable life every day. Beside the company’s own surfaces, sustainability initiatives and noble goals are also introduced within the Sustainability Media Club – initiated by Magyar Telekom – with members including leading Hungarian TV and radio channels, as well as print and online media.

*Outdoor  residential coverage %: the percentage ratio of the number of residents living in areas considered covered outdoors based on the population split according to the registered residential address, and the total population. Within the specified area the mobile internet service is available outside buildings.

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