Save as - 6th Sustainability Day held by Magyar Telekom - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Save as – 6th Sustainability Day held by Magyar Telekom

Budapest, September 23, 2013 15:00

On September 28 Magyar Telekom organises the Sustainability Day for the sixth time. Traditionally, during the day the festival-conference focuses on the state of the Globe, the actual international situation as well as our role, situation and possibilities through exciting conversations and exhibitions – followed by an award ceremony and concert in the evening.

The event – hosted by Péter Novák – opens gates at 11 a.m. in Millenáris Park.
The first programme on the outside stage targets parents, exploring what impact media consumption has on the intellectual and emotional development of our children. Participating partners in the discussion include child psychiatrist Annamária Kádár (author of the book Tale Psychology), human rights director of the Hungarian Committee of UNICEF Szilvia Gyurkó, Judit Ujvári representing Mobile Schools, marketing and communication director of Chello Central Europe Andrea Nagy. Putting questions to them:  Éva Barabás (RTL Klub) representing the Sustainability Media Club.

The Sustainability Day continues with social, economic and environmental section discussions, with invited guests representing most versatile fields: scientists, sociologists, psychologists, meteorologists, architects, advertising experts and committed civilians. They analyse the situation, envisage the future, and seek solutions and possibilities for changing our attitude and lifestyle.

Discussion topic will include innovation, adaptation to climatic changes as well as the society and communities of our present age and the future. They seek answers among other for questions like how different generations should understand each other, how long the consumer society can exploit resources available, to what extent green factors influence consumer decisions, where innovation is headed, what climate is to be expected in the future, how small communities can operate and what moves them, and what will happen to all those not caring about all these… Preceding the discussions, the special sense of humour of Sándor Badár helps us avoid preparing for the end of the world.

Pavilions set up in the Millenáris Park introduce numerous exciting initiatives and programmes leading to the future, including topics like alternative energy, fashionable out of used clothes, drug prevention, green shops, toys out of cardboard, enviro-friendly packaging materials and an ambulance service using bicycles – also rendering service on the spot.

At 8 p.m. the Sustainability Day continues with the award ceremony and an optimistic after-party concludes the evening.

Concert performers include Nemjuci  and Random Trip featuring Krsa, Lőrinc Barabás and Iván (from Iván and the Parazol).

Magyar Telekom has been engaged with environmental issues related to its operation since 1996, in 2000 it was the first Hungarian company to create a separate environmental protection and sustainability organisation, coordinating the company’s socially responsible processes and sustainability aspirations. Magyar Telekom published its first environmental report, followed by sustainability reports in latter years – results and achievements were also recognised internationally. Telekom has been hosting the ever more popular Sustainability Day for the sixth year.
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