Unlimited calls and text messages offered with 4G mobile internet and device choice in Telekom_s ren - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Unlimited calls and text messages offered with 4G mobile internet and device choice in Telekom’s renewed Next packages

Budapest, October 8, 2013 13:30

In line with its coustomer-centric strategy, Magyar Telekom renews, expands and offers its residential and business customers its unlimited Next tariff packages under more favorable conditions than those of its previous offers. The sales offer to be launched from November 1 for residential and from second half of October for business customers and to last until December 31 is going to ensure users unlimited base rate domestic calls or calls within Telekom's own network as well as text messages under more favorable terms than earlier. In addition the renewed and uniquely comprehensive Next packages also offer Telekom customers data amount, available for use also in the 4G/LTE network, as well as wide 4G-enabled device choice in addition to further benefits and discounts.

Telekom's renewed Next tariff packages with favorable conditions unprecedented in its previous products, in addition to data amount and device choice, are inseparably accompanied by superfast data speed and the rapidly expanding 4G mobile network. As a market leading integrated operator Telekom renders available its renewed Next offer, extending the experience of unlimited freedom, also for home communication users through its partner card. Telekom is working on the possibility to enable its existing subscribers of Next packages to upgrade to the renewed tariff packages.

Christopher Mattheisen, Magyar Telekom's Chief Executive Officer said about the renewed Next offer: „With Telekom's renewed Next offer, a new period is opening in Hungary's mobile market competition, which unquestionably favors the consumers. Telekom's strategic priority is to deliver total experience to its customers, and with our innovative product, designed in line with this strategy, our current and future customers will be able benefit, in addition to unlimited calls and text messaging, also from all opportunities of the superfast 4G broadband and the most advanced smart devices under exceptionally favorable terms.”

Telekom is also offering its customers a competitive monthly fee to accompany its new Next offers, designed in the spirit of simplicity and transparency. The Next M tariff package ordered without a device and containing unlimited domestic calls and text messages as well as 500MB data amount will be offered for a monthly fee of HUF 10,990 whereas Next S containing unlimited calls within the network and 500MB data amount will be available to Telekom's customers for HUF 6,490 already and so they can make unlimited calls with any of 5 million Telekom customers. The service provider would like to express its appreciation for its customers' loyalty and confidence with additional discounts in the framework of the Kapcsolat (Connection) program so Next M will be available for HUF 9,990 and Next S for HUF 5,490 already for loyalty program participants.

To its business customers Telekom is offering the Next Business package containing 500MB data amount for even HUF 9,990 monthly fee depending on the number of SIM card subscriptions of the business, complemented also by a smartphone offer for HUF 0 under certain conditions and additional data amounts obtainable at favorable rates.

Telekom introduced the Next tariff packages that contain unlimited domestic calls or calls within its own network as well as text messages as of April. The service provider is going to release more detailed information in the near future about the renewed Next tariff packages and the exceptional device choice connected to it.

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