Telekom operates the country_s best call center - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Telekom operates the country's best call center

Budapest, November 8, 2013 11:45

Magyar Telekom won the Excellence in Customer Service Award of 2013 in the telephone customer service (call center) enterprise category. With this Telekom proved to be Hungary’s best in call center services among enterprises, demonstrating a considerable improvement compared to the second place Telekom reached last year as the best telecommunication company. Telekom earned the outstanding success on the basis of the customers' opinion. The prestigious recognition was received by Chief Executive Officer Christopher Mattheisen in the award gala ceremony held yesterday evening.

The performance of companies participating in the competition was measured in two stages. First independent evaluators tested the performance of call center operators by test calls, evaluated their expertise and customer focused communication, as well as the quality and personally tailored nature of the offer given to the customer. Then customer satisfaction was measured in the course of which customers doing business through telephone were asked about their experiences, the quality, speed and efficiency of service and administration. Telekom's call center reached outstanding results in both measurements and in the final evaluation it proved to be the best of the country among enterprises.

Christopher Mattheisen, Magyar Telekom's Chief Executive Officer said regarding the the award: “We are proud of our outstanding success achieved in customer service, which is due to the fact that serving our customers at a high level, in a state-of-the-art and efficient manner is even more in the focus of our business activities. We are convinced at Telekom that the success of our firm is measured by the satisfied customer. Therefore customer experience and satisfaction are of key importance to us. We see the prestigious award we have won now as an encouragement whereby we can become even better, turning from good into great as service provider, even beyond our customers' expectations.”

The Excellence in Customer Service competition was announced the fifth time this year by the Client First consulting company. Awards are granted in three categories on the basis of tests performed and a thorough evaluation of surveys: personal customer service, call center service, electronic customer service. What gives a special value to the award is that the competition was sector neutral, and customer service activities of various industries and service providers were compared. In the competition everyday practice was examined and evaluated, thanks to which the result credibly reflects that according to customers' opinion overall Telekom's is the best telephone customer service. The value of the success reached in the competition is enhanced by the fact that Telekom operates Hungary's largest customer service and has the widest ranging and integrated service portfolio in the telecommunications market.

In last year’s Excellence in Customer Service competition Telekom won the award in the personal service category, while in the call center category it came out as second, being the best among telecommunications operators. So in the aggregate Telekom proved to be the best among telecommunications customer services. Also last year Telekom was placed first among telecommunications service providers in the Top 10 Call Centre competition in the sales category of the call center activity.

More information on the Excellence in Customer Service Award is available at the website.

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