Infocommunication research and development umprella project ends at Magyar Telekom - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

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Infocommunication research and development umprella project ends at Magyar Telekom

Budapest, November 4, 2013 13:15

Magyar Telekom launched a competitive R&D&I umbrella project in late 2012. The aim of the project was to support the further development of the organisation’s currently available residential and corporate services with fresh and innovative solutions and to help identify new areas of development and directions for innovation in addition to the core activities. The project was supported by the Hungarian Government, managed by the National Development Agency, financed by the EU Reserch and Technology Innovation Fund.

Three large development areas were identified in the umbrella project: the social challenges of information technology and the development of products and services provided for the residential and corporate customers.  The one-year umbrella project was divided into 31 sub-projects, implemented in cooperation with Hungarian small and medium sized companies, research centres and institutions of higher education.

“Innovation is key for development and renewal, not only for Telekom but also for the Hungarian economy. The aim of the research activities is to offer state-of-the-art and intelligent solutions in areas where consumer friendly electronic solutions are less widespread.” Gábor Pukler, Magyar Telekom’s innovations and business development director explained.

The aim of the research and development included in the “ICT for Social Challenges” work package is to exploit the telecommunication infrastructure, the data assets and network characteristics, to turn them into user and client friendly ones and to enhance the security level of their operation. For example a public administration subproject examined the feasibility of authorized, anonym e-voting, industrial researches targeted intelligent car diagnostics and NFC based transportation ticketing. The project also included a spy camera prototype test for blind and visually impaired people helping their orientation.

The global aim of the projects included in the work package called “Research to Lay the Foundations for the Development of Technological Products and Services among Basic ICT Technologies” is mainly to develop new ICT services for residential customers and to continue the development of the existing ones. Among others, this includes the the development of content offering for 3 screens, the analysis of the searchable and browsable videotheque system, multimedia and interactive community applications and services, as well as the development of a billing service that can be accessed through several platforms.  Further pilot and demo applications were also developed to enhance product and service offering at Magyar Telekom.

The work package titled “Research to Lay the Foundations for the Development of Technological Products and Services among Basic ICT Technologies” includes projects that promote research related to Magyar Telekom’s corporate product and service development. Several IT solutions have only been available to large companies and institutions due to their high purchase price and costs of operation. The indirect aim of this project is to make IT solutions available more cheaply and at higher service levels, for monthly charges to small and medium enterprises. The overall aim of the work package is the development of cloud-based services, and thus enhances the competitiveness and efficiency of medium-sized and large corporate customers.

The project was supported by the Hungarian Government, managed by the National Development Agency, financed by the EU Reserch and Technology Innovation Fund.

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