Telekom unifies its brand structure and provides access to the 4G experience for an increasing numbe - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Telekom unifies its brand structure and provides access to the 4G experience for an increasing number of customers – Next tariff packages are here!

Budapest, March 27, 2013 09:45

  • Telekom is unifying its brand structure: in step with the implementation of a “T” brand it is also introducing a new, more dynamic image
  • By the end of the year its 4G/LTE-based mobile internet service will be made available for close to 40% of the country’s population and it will expand its offer of 4G/LTE-enabled devices and tariff packages
  • Next is here: tariff packages with unlimited domestic calls or calls within the network, including an amount of data that can also be used in the 4G/LTE network!
  • Moziarena: no longer only for interactive TV customers

As Magyar Telekom announced recently, it is striving to serve its customers in a more state-of-the-art and efficient manner through the establishment of a new operating structure. It is expanding its core activity in the direction of online capabilities and the digital home, and continues to strengthen its presence in other than traditional business areas as well. The need for the ability to transfer among technologies and operate in a simpler and more transparent manner has called for the implementation of changes also in the area of brand strategy. With this spirit it intends to unify its brand structure: while retaining the values of the currently powerful market brands it will mould them into a single brand in the mid-term. The Telekom brand name that Magyar Telekom has so far tied to its own brand, non-core and business services will, in the future, be expanded to cover all services offered to the general public as well as to small and medium-sized companies. The aim is for customers in the future to be able to access every service, whether mobile or wire line telephone, home or mobile internet, interactive TV, health or insurance services, under a single brand. At the same time the implementation of the T brand does not affect the large company pool of customers: Telekom Group affiliate, T-Systems Hungary will continue to provide comprehensive telecommunications and IT infrastructure, application development and systems integration services for them under the T-Systems brand name.

In step with the implementation of its unified brand name Telekom will also introduce a new image, which gives the brand an appearance that can be more easily identified, and evokes a fresher and more dynamic experience. The renewed image enables an even more striking appearance for the Telekom brand in the telecommunication market, which operates amidst a strong competition, in new business areas and in the course of cooperation with partners.

“Our communication with customers is made simpler by the fact that we will appear in the future as a readily identifiable single brand in the domestic market as well”, said Christopher Mattheisen, Magyar Telekom’s Chairman-CEO. “Our endeavour is to exploit the possibilities inherent in offering new and innovative services responding flexibly to the change in customer needs, and, offer real customer experience to both residential and small and medium-sized companies as well as large company customers. In this spirit we will make the 4G/LTE-based service, which opens up a new dimension of mobile internet use, available to close to 40 per cent of the population in 2013. All this will represent yet another higher level of service to our company accounts, as we will ensure the latest network available for their more efficient and mobile operation,” he added.

Telekom was the first in the autumn of 2011 to test with its customers in Hungary the  4G/LTE network and, in January 2012 – as the first among mobile service providers in Hungary – it launched its commercial 4G/LTE-based mobile internet service. By the end of last year 99 per cent outdoor coverage in Budapest had been achieved – based on the number of residents,* whereas indoor 4G/LTE coverage in Budapest – based on the number of residents – had grown to 83 per cent. The service is currently available outdoors* for close to 27 per cent of the country’s population.
According to the plans of the service provider it will ensure the 4G/LTE coverage in additional country settlements by the end of 2013, thereby making the 4G/LTE service available (outdoors*) for close to 40 per cent of the Hungarian population. 
In order to continue the expansion of the mobile broad band coverage, network modernization and the change of generations Telekom considers it important to respect the considerations of efficient spectrum management, so that the frequencies available and becoming free subsequently can be used the most efficiently and to the greatest benefit of customers.

Telekom has set as a short-term target that it will make available to all its customers who possess enabled devices the most advanced mobile internet service available in Hungary, giving them the experience of using the 4G/LTE regardless of the tariff package. In line with that it will continuously expand the choice of tariff packages that enable the use of the 4G/LTE network. As of April 1, 2013 customers will be able to enjoy the benefits of the 4G/LTE network on their smartphones through two additional tariff packages, the Mosaic S and M. Moreover, the 4G/LTE network will also be accessible through the smallest, Mosaic XS tariff package, if the customer also purchases the “Net&Roll 1GB LTE” supplementary data option to their tariff package.

Next is here!As of April 1 Telekom is coming out with two new tariff packages offering the experience of limitless freedom. The new packages contain unlimited calls and text messages, and the data amount they include can also be used in Telekom’s 4G/LTE network: within the mobile network the number of calls and text messages will be unlimited for a monthly charge of HUF 15,900 with the Next L tariff package and in any domestic basic rate direction for HUF 20,990 with the Next XL tariff package.** The data content of the packages will be 2 GB for the smaller and 3 GB for the larger tariff package, moreover the monthly charge also includes additional tariff-free services such as the free of charge  Duonet option. In addition to this an Extra service can be selected free of charge: either the Travel&Surf M or the Superservice supplementary services.

Small and medium-sized businesses that prefer the benefits of the 4G/LTE network will be able to select from the ÉnCégem (Myfirm) packages for small-screen use (from M to XXXL), for large screens tablet and notebook versions of the Business Net packages will be available to them. The Business Net packages (from M to XXXL) will also be available for the large company customer pool for both small and large-screen use.
In line with goals in the residential and SMB markets T-Systems Hungary is continuously expanding its services built on the benefits of 4G/ LTE, focusing on individual business internet and intranet services.

Telekom is expanding the offer of devices enabled to operate in the 4G/LTE network. In addition to the 4G/LTE-enabled iPhone 5 and new iPad devices the offer also contains HTC OneSV and Sony Xperia Z smart phones and, furthermore, it will soon start selling the ASUS Padfone 2, which is a telephone and a tablet at the same time. With these devices, if an adequate LTE-enabled tariff package is used, the advantages of technology can be exploited to the fullest extent, i.e. the customer will perceive an even greater experience with the same speed and the needle-sharp videos downloadable at the speed of lightning and online games will be even more enjoyable due to short response times.

In addition to the good quality network and innovative devices Telekom also offers quality content to its customers. By developing further its Moziarena service available on several screens the service will be shortly available not only for interactive T-Home TV subscribers, but for all Telekom customers as well as the customers of other service providers. Those interested in films can select online from the offer, which they can subsequently view on their laptop, tablet or even a smartphone enabled to use the service. What is more, customers will be able to use their bank card to pay for the service.

Additional details and conditions are available at T-Mobile’s and T-Home’s website. (Further information on Telekom’s 4G/LTE service is available at:

*The percentage of outdoor coverage: the number of residents in the area determined by the points considered to be covered outdoors on the basis of the population’s reported residence divided by the total number of the residents in the area. The mobile internet service can be used outside buildings in the area concerned.

** By undertaking two years’ loyalty.

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