From July 1, 2013 roaming fees are also decreasing at Magyar Telekom - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

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From July 1, 2013 roaming fees are also decreasing at Magyar Telekom

Budapest, June 5, 2013 10:00

From July 4 roaming voice, SMS and data charges continue to decrease within the European Union. With the EU accession of Croatia tourists visiting the country will enjoy more favorable roaming conditions, as the EU roaming fees will also be available in Croatia. Subscribers spending their summer holiday in the country can speak, send SMS or use the internet at significantly more favorable prices.
In the summer period Magyar Telekom offers its Travel & Surf M and L roaming data packages by introducing further discounts.

In harmony with the effective decree of the European Parliament and the Council concerning international roaming tariffs, from July 1, 2013 Telekom offers lower voice minute charges for calls initiated within the EU, priced at HUF 91.4 gross – while received calls cost HUF 26.6 per minute. Telekom subscribers roaming in EU countries can send SMS for HUF 30.4 and the cost of an MMS is HUF 171. Roaming data traffic charges also decrease significantly within the EU countries: instead of HUF 257.9 one megabyte only costs HUF 171.5 for Telekom customers.

Good news for travelers frequenting the Croatian seaside: with the EU accession of Croatia the above Euro-tariffs will also apply to Croatia.
These changes affect Telekom’s Globetrotter EU, Mix Rooming, Mix Roaming Direct, Domino Roaming and Domino Roaming Direct tariff packages.
Changes outlined above do not concern though business customers using individually tailored roaming tariffs or packages – in their cases fess, billing units and limits stipulated in the effective agreements remain valid.

New roaming tariffs were developed in harmony with the decree of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, enabling cost saving mobile telephoning and internet usage in EU member countries – for the first time this year also including Croatia – as well a sin Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Telekom offers customers cost efficient data usage, by automatically opening a service selection page for all customers not having a Travel & Surf data package, when connecting the internet through the browser. Customers are offered to choose and order a Travel & Surf package meeting their needs, aligned with the period they spend abroad. Accessing the site ordering the data tariff package ( is also free from abroad, enabling customers to receive comprehensive information about available packages and their fees, before starting to roam.

Business customers using individually tailored roaming tariffs or packages can order Travel & Surf tariff packages through their own customer portals, customer service or their account managers – if their agreement includes this possibility.

Telekom continues to protect its customers with a data roaming threshold, limiting their data roaming usage to HUF 19,050 (also outside the EU). Upon reaching the limit data traffic is discontinued and the operator informs the customer about it in SMS. Upon request of the customer, obviously data traffic can be continued: this requires the repeated selection and activation of one of the roaming packages. Customers using the World GPRS Limit tariff package can also use mobile internet securely, without generating an unexpectedly high invoice amount also in popular, non-EU travel destination countries like Switzerland or Turkey.

From July 1, 2013 Magyar Telekom offers further, significantly discounted conditions for its Travel & Surf roaming data tariff packages – by that time also available in Croatia. Detailed information will follow later.

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