Telekom Civil and CivilNET tariff packages - supporting NGOs, the civilian organisations - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Telekom Civil and CivilNET tariff packages – supporting NGOs, the civilian organisations

Budapest, February 26, 2013 15:00

NGOs largely contribute to making everyday life more “livable” and easier – Telekom therefore attaches importance to supporting them using its own resources and tools. The company created the Civil and CivilNET tariff packages – helping public benefit entities in using telephones and internet – which organizations can apply for and win through tenders – this time in a tender in the first half of 2013.

Magyar Telekom created special tariff packages to lower the operational expenses of NGOs, grating support to the efforts of these organizations shaping public perception and approach. The Civil tariff package comes with no monthly fee for calls made inland to fixed line numbers, with 500 minutes gratis, without connection fee. The company offers an average of 30% discount for calls exceeding 500 minutes, compared against the basic ( Bázis) tariff package. Money saved this way can be spent by organizations on achieving objectives that truly benefit those in need.

As one of the basic requirements, the organization applying needs to verify the level of its public benefit nature, the fixed line telephone assigned for the tariff package must be subscribed at Telekom under the name of the organization, and there must not be any overdue debt towards Magyar Telekom.  Beside the Civil tariff package public benefit organizations can also apply for the CivilNET tariff package – offering free of charge internet access to public benefit organizations winning the competition, without connection or monthly fees. An organization can only apply for the CivilNET tariff package holding a Civil tariff package, the internet service is configured for the main line specified in the tender application, along with the Civil tariff package.

Similarly to the procedure followed so far, the hello holnap! Kuratórium (hello tomorrow! Board of Trustees) awards the Civil tariff package for one year, by way of competition. The Civil and CivilNET tariff package is exclusively available within Magyar Telekom’s service area, and only on analogue and ISDN2 telephone lines.
The tender invitation and the downloadable data sheet are available at the

Deadline for entering tender applications: March 14, 2013

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