Telekom floaded the streets of Budapest with sledges - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Telekom floaded the streets of Budapest with sledges

Budapest, December 21, 2013 11:30

Big sledge painting event to help children living in deep poverty.

Telekom organised a special event at Szent István square. At the Big Sledge Painting event – featuring Hungarian stars – hundreds of sledges were colour painted by people interested and they could even take the sledges home. The total charity sum offered by participants of the highly popular and free-of-charge programme is made available by Telekom to children living in deep poverty, through the Pearl Foundation.

Days preceding the sledge painting event were already about colourful sledges in Budapest. Contributed by Telekom, hundreds of cheerfully coloured sledges were placed in the streets of Budapest: in front of secondary schools and universities, at congested traffic junctions and department stores. Passers by were free to take the unbranded sledges home – making foggy, grey winter days more vivid and colourful.
Those left without sledges in past days could find plenty at the square beside the Basilica: further sledges welcomed visitors, which they could paint in the company of well known TV programme hosts, artists and athletes. Participants at the event included Abaházi Csaba, Balázsy Panna, Csernoviczki Éva, Demcsák Zsuzsa, Harsányi Levente, Horváth Lili, Kovács Kokó István and Szász Emese. Beside enthused amateur sledge painters, professional applied artists also made their creations, visitors therefore could also marvel at a contemporary exhibition.

Simultaneously 10 „creations” were made in the Telekom sledge painting studio - established in the frame of the Szent István square Advent Fest at the Basilica – while waiting at the square was made more heart warming by mulled wine and hot tea offer on site.

„The purpose of our sledge placement and paining promotion was to make dull weekdays more colourful and offer shared moments of great experiences. We are convinced that the countless colourful sledges will cause countless happy moments to everyone, and we are pleased that together with enthused sledge painters we could also help needy children” – said Rózsa Iván, corporate communication director of Magyar Telekom.

Sledge painting – beside that everyone could take the sledge painted by him home –served a charitable cause: many of the participants offered donations, expressing their gratitude. By contributing the donated sum, Telekom supports the Pearl Foundation, helping children and their family members living in deep poverty, making their everyday life more joyful and colourful.

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