Press Releases

The Telekom sustainability and hello tomorrow! awards were distributed

Budapest, September 27, 2011 14:30

The joint hello tomorrow! press award of Magyar Telekom and the Sustainability Media Club, established by the company in January - together with 1 million HUF - was given to Zsófia Nagy, RTL News's reporter in Miskolc and Debrecen for her six minute report film entitled: Nature's embrace. The award was distributed this weekend at the fourth Sustainability Day, organized by Telekom and Kultúrpart at Millenáris Park. Besides the press award the winners of the sustainability creative awards were also announced at the Sustainability Day.

The increase of awareness on sustainability is not only the task of individuals but of companies and the media as well. In order to popularize sustainability Telekom invited the most important representatives of the Hungarian media to establish the Sustainability Media Club and together they also established the hello tomorrow! press award in June this year.

Journalists were invited to submit applications regarding sustainable consumption, equal opportunities, poverty, volunteering and climate change. The applicants could nominate articles published in the printed and online press, in blogs or in TV-radio programmes between September 1, 2010 and August 1, 2011.

The panel of the Sustainability Media Club members (RTL Klub, TV2, Sanoma, Class FM, CEMP group (Index), Origo, Metropol, Axel Springer, Est Média, Magyar Telekom) evaluated 30 applications submitted by 46 journalists and awarded the first prize - and 1 million HUF - to Zsófia Nagy's short documentary entitled "Nature's embrace". The story of young people moving from town to village was first published in the form of a newspaper article then the applicant transformed the article into a documentary film - that was already broadcasted in many regional TV channels.

The organizers also involved creative young people in the program. Music, films or other pieces of creative work were invited to Sustainability Day 4 that deal with the topics discussed at the event - poverty, water, responsible communication.
The winners of the different Sustainability Day 4 categories were as follows:
Music: Lajos Nagy - Your future
Film: ELTE EKSZ - If the selective garbage could talk
Creative: Lívia Varga - Did you know that?
Audience award: Márta Bende - fountain

While last year almost 1200 people attended the Sustainability Day this year attracted 1700 visitors who got closer to understand sustainability. The program included professional lectures, visitors could test drive alternative vehicles, taste fair trade coffee and tea, visit creative objects prepared from garbage, participate a flashmob and visit the applications for the Sustainability Day 4 awards.

The professional lectures were built on the three pillars of sustainability - society, economy, environment protection - and this year voluntary work was also included in the pillars as this year is the European Voluntary Year. In the poverty section of the event the participants discussed integration and recovery from poverty. In the water section dr. Sándor Fülöp, parliamentary commissioner of future generations and dr. Árpád Juhász, geologist, discussed the Danube strategy and the effect of climate change on waters. The role of the hello holnap! Press Award was also discussed at the communication section where the presenters drew the attention of the audience to the tricks of advertisements and fake Hungarian products.

The participants were invited to actively participate the discussions: the contribution of experts and the audience to the discussion were made more tangible by Momentán Theatre, the first Hungarian interactive improvisation theatre company, that performed brief stage acts with the involvement of the audience. Besides Momentán, the host of the day, Péter Novák also addressed the audience many times and they were trying to find solutions together with all experts and visitors for the problems raised at the event.

After the professional events the hello holnap! Press Award and the Sustainability Day 4 awards were given out at an afterparty. After the distribution of the awards the event was continued with concerts (Anselmo Crew and Brains).

You may watch the award winning documentary here:

You may find the Sustainability Day 4 award winning pieces of work and more detailed information on the event at

Sustainability Day is part of the diverse sustainability efforts of the leading Hungarian telecommunication service provider: Telekom launched its hello tomorrow! initiative at the end of 2010 within the frame of which the company - besides its own employees - reaches volunteers and suppliers, while actively participates in the organization of relevant events.