Press Releases

Already every second phone sold by T-Mobile is a smartphone

Budapest, September 9, 2011 11:00

Smartphones are gaining ground all around the world, this tendency is clearly visible also in Hungary. Hungarian market leader both in voice and data communication, T-Mobile in recent years increased the sales of smartphones multiple times.

Smartphones only started to conquer the market a few years ago, but in 2010 already more than 250 million of them were sold in the world. In 2007 only 7 percent of sold phones were smartphones, but by the end of 2010 it reached 25 percent* and according to the estimate of GKIeNET within one year it reaches 50 percent in the American and Western-European markets. This number shows a five times increase versus three years ago and the dynamics of growth keeps increasing.
In parallel with growing demands we also witness technological development, the capabilities of most recent telephones challenge desktop computers, featuring full-fledged input possibilities and integrated, as well as third party applications.
Hungary - even if somewhat slower - follows the Western-European trends. While in Hungary almost 250 thousand smartphones were sold, this number doubled in 2010*.
"The dynamic growth of sales became evident since the second half of last year in Hungary, mainly driven by the fact that beside the premium products the lower category phones were also introduced, while ever more users require Internet access and integrated applications on their mobile phones. Large scale mobile network development and favourable tariff schemes combined with data usage certainly contributed to smartphones gaining ground" - said István Király, chief marketing officer of  Telekom.
"At T-Mobile in the past year smartphone sales increased by three times, by today every second customer buys a smartphone. In case of postpaid customers this ratio is even higher, reaching 70 percent. This puts the market share of T-Mobile to 55 percent in terms of the total smartphone sales within Hungary." - he added.

* Source: Data published by IDC