Press Releases

Donation Line in September and October - for the boarding house of people with disabilities

Budapest, September 6, 2011 12:00

In the months of September and October 2011 people calling or sending SMS to the 1788 hello tomorrow! donation line will support the Nem Adom Fel (I Won't Give Up) Foundation.  Having operated the donation line for the ninth year Magyar Telekom holds it important to help through its support the improvement of Hungary's health and the enhancement of its services.

The Nem Adom Fel Foundation started its operation in 2005. The aim of setting up the foundation was to extend help to members of the society who are discriminated against for some reason and live at a disadvantage in becoming self-confident people willing to act and fight and live an increasingly independent life. In implementing their permanent and continuously renewing programs the foundation has always laid a great emphasis on enhancing social awareness.

The foundation would like to establish and build from the support to be granted to them through the donation line Hungary's first community establishment operating as a passive house, a boarding house that would ensure a permanent residence for disabled youngsters. The house is to be built with the use of the latest environmental technologies. Disabled people in Hungary still live in crowded mass institutions, in seclusion from the society, often far from cities, in old and outdated buildings. The aim would be to have institution dwellers placed in small communities integrated in the society.

The boarding house being built in Óbuda and expected to be completed in 2012 is planned to occupy 800 square meters on two storeys and provide residence for 14 dwellers. Apart from community spaces the home is designed to provide intimacy for each individual. Sustainability has been an important aspect of designing the building so that the inhabitants should also have the possibility to contribute to the costs of maintenance and operation. Along these lines a workshop and a parlour will be created in the building for the inhabitants to produce and sell various articles for use.

The foundation and the Nemadomfel Ensemble it has organised of people living with disabilities is organising for the fourth time now the concert titled Jobb velünk a világ! (The World is Better with Us)! The funds to be raised through the concert will also be used for the construction of the passive boarding house. Funds raised in earlier concerts helped support the refurbishment of the orphanage at Csíksomlyó operated by Csaba Böjte Saint Francis Foundation of Déva, set up and launch the Nemadomfel House at Szendrőlád and a home supplementing family education to help the upgrading of Roma children living in extreme poverty.

The Nem Adom Fel Foundation operates on two locations in Budapest, and also in Szeged and in Borsod County. The Foundation currently employs 50 people, of whom 40 people live with a changed ability to work.

For more information about the foundation and its activities as well as the passive house see web site.

Telekom's Donation Line, also known as "1788 - the human line", is accessible from both wire line and mobile networks. The fee for a call or SMS message is HUF 100, which is free of VAT (with the exception of calls initiated with Domino top-up cards). The total amount collected as a result of the calls initiated during September and October 2011 will go, as the callers' donation, to the Nem Adom Fel Foundation, which will use this amount towards the construction and operation of the passive boarding house being built in the 3rd district of Budapest for young people living with disabilities.