Press Releases

Telekom signed a long term cooperation agreement with the Pécs University of Sciences

Budapest, October 17, 2011 10:30

Magyar Telekom supports the education activities of the Pécs University of Sciences by contributing several million HUF. This is also included in the strategic frame agreement signed today by dr. Bódis József, dean of the Pécs University of Sciences and Somorjai Éva, chief human resources officer of Magyar Telekom in Pécs. As part of the agreement, the company adopts a communal hall of the Economic Faculty named Telekom Studio, which will be inaugurated in the presence of students on the Telekom Day. This way Magyar Telekom intends to testify that - as a leading company in the field of sustainability and a socially responsible employer - it is a committed strategic partner of Hungarian higher education

The Pécs University of Sciences is the eighth higher education institute that Magyar Telekom signed a strategic cooperation frame agreement with in the recent years. Frame agreements signed between the Budapest Corvinus University, Budapest University of Technical and Economic Sciences, Debrecen University, ELTE, Széchenyi István University, Szolnok College, Óbuda University and Magyar Telekom represent exemplary cooperation, through which Magyar Telekom targets results both useful for the general society and the economy. The company targets to renew and dynamise relations between the corporate sector and higher education, as well as to support the education activity, laying down the foundations of the whole telecom industry.

Somorjai Éva, chief human resources officer of Magyar Telekom said in the occasion of adopting the Telekom Studio in Pécs: "Adoption to me is a good example of how we can support Hungarian higher education - lacking funds - by continuously keeping in touch with the university and the student organisation, in an unusual way. International examples show that parties need to get familiar with each other, their way of thinking, the needs and possibilities in order to make sure that projects and developments flowing from the partnership will be effective and efficient. We are mapping up these possibilities in each institution that we already signed strategic agreements with. We aim at preparing specific action plans that will be beneficial to all parties as well as the competitiveness of Hungary."

The company invites everyone for an interactive trip on the Telekom Day, and as an employer committed towards offering equal chances, awareness will also be raised about its traineeship program through an exciting presentation and online games. Dispute will be organised about social problems effecting students, including design drugs and party culture in a film club, with the participation of Blue Dot Foundation, the strategic partner of the company, leader in drug rehabilitation. Student can familiarise themselves with Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, the most recent tablet offered by Telekom and they can also try it immediately using cool game applications - similarly to Play4power, one of the inventions of KIBU, Telekom's innovation laboratory. The day will be completed by the extraordinary acoustics concert of Punnanny Massif, one of the favourite bands of the students in Pécs.

Planned timing, venue and detailed programme of the event 

Venue: PTE Economics Faculty - Telekom Studio (B323)
Time: October 17 - Monday

Telekom presents:
11.00 - 11.20 We are leaders - Telekom and innovation
11.30 - 11.50 Be an everyday Hero! - Telekom is the best employer
12.00 - 12.20 Are you ready? - The Telekom traineeship programme
12.30 - 12.50 Building a carrier as a woman - Somorjai Éva, chief human resources officer of Magyar Telekom
13.00 - 14.00 Telekom Studio adoption ceremony and press conference
14.00 - 14.15 Hello, tomorrow! Prize draw
14.15 - 14.30 Hello, tomorrow! - The sustainability objectives of Telekom
14.30 - 16. 00 Film club - Topic: Designer drugs and party culture
- Dr. Szemelyácz János, psychiatrist - Start Public Foundation
- Meszes Balázs ("Meszi") and Farkas Roland (Wolfie) - Punnany Massif
- Dávid Ferenc, sociologist - Blue Dot Foundation
Barna Erika, consultant on addictions - Blue Dot Foundation
18.30 - 19.10 Telekom Studio Acoustic: Punnany Massif concert