Press Releases

Winners of the 2nd Thematic Competition Announced by Telekom for NGOs

Budapest, October 4, 2011 14:00

Telekom's "hello holnap!" board of trustees for donations reported the outcome of the competition having been announced in August for NGOs in the topic of "the integration in the open labour market of people living with disabilities" in order to support the implementation of attitude forming programs.

The competition successfully completed with the announcement of the results is yet another major milestone of the "hello holnap!" initiative and the operation of the Sustainability Media Club. Following careful considerations the jury composed of the members of the board of trustees for donations of "hello holnap!" and the Sustainability Media Club decided to support the programs of the following organisations:
- Down Foundation,
- Kerek Világ (The World is Round) Foundation,
- Nem adom fel (I Never Give Up) Foundation,
- Salva Vita Foundation.

According to the assessment by the jury the programs introduced in the applications achieve Telekom's sustainability and attitude forming targets efficiently and in an easy to integrate manner.

The aim of the program of the Down Foundation is to extend a complex package of services to people with moderate mental retardation. With the help of the support the Down Foundation is going to ensure social help services for mentally retarded employees so that beside the sheltered workplaces such people can have a chance to establish themselves in the open labour market as well with the help of these services. Beyond this an easily accessible (KÉR) web site will be set up for mentally deficient people, in which employment related information will be uploaded and such content will be continuously updated and expanded.

The Kerek Világ Foundation, with the help of the support they have won in the competition, will work out and submit for accreditation experience based sensitizing training courses based on preliminary research carried out through questionnaires and interviews. Training courses will be conducted by impaired people.

The Nem adom fel Foundation will set up an innovative labour market service, the Nemadomfel employment consulting team, in which experienced experts adequately prepared for the task will be involved, who will be able to hand over, in the most efficient manner, the skills related to the employment of impaired people.

In the framework of the support they have won, the Salva Vita Foundation will launch a new, innovative club, the so called hello holnap! Club, in order to improve the situation of mentally impaired people and people living with autism in the open labour market through info communication technologies and mastering and using communication and journalism skills. In the framework of the hello holnap! Club impaired people master IT and communication skills in the club sessions and they will also edit an online newspaper, which will focus on multiply impaired people in terms of employment, their experiences and quality of life. The broad dissemination of the online newspaper will help dissolve the prejudices related to disabled people among employers, and the positive formation of their social attitudes.

The applications received were evaluated in two phases. The hello holnap! board of trustees for donations submitted the pre-screened applications having reached the highest number of scores on the basis of a specific assessment system for final decision to the jury composed of members of the Sustainability Media Club. The final decision about the winners of the competition has been taken by the Sustainability Media Club.

Magyar Telekom announced a competition for NGOs towards supporting attitude forming programs in August 2011 in the topic of "integration in the open labour market of people living with disabilities." The aim of the competition is to grant support to programs that offer practical solutions to improve the employment situation of disabled persons through the use of info communication technologies. The implementation of the programs will improve the chance of employment in the open labour market of people at a multiple disadvantage in terms of employment.

In addition to the above they will promote positive attitude formation of the society regarding the employment of disabled people in the open labour market. And, beside all this, they will contribute to bringing about an employment model through which the joint employment of disabled and not disabled people can be more readily achieved even in large company settings.

The Sustainability Media Club consists of Hungary's leading printed, electronic and online press organs. Members of the Club apart from Magyar Telekom are RTL Club, TV2, Sanoma, Class FM, the CEMP Group (Index), Origo, Metropol, the EsT Media Group and Axel Springer. The aim of club members is to demonstrate through their own means and channels and in an easily accessible and meaningful manner for the general public, using specific examples, how we can live sustainability in our everyday life and what we all can do for a liveable future.

Magyar Telekom, being Hungary's major info communication provider, in alignment with its mission, is committed to the principle of sustainable development. With the initiative of hello tomorrow! launched in December 2010 Magyar Telekom would like to achieve that the concept should become a part of our everyday life sending its clear and easy-to-understand messages and, at the same time, to draw the attention that a liveable future is our common responsibility.