Press Releases

Competition Announced by Telekom for the Success of Civil Programs Built on the Values of Hungarian Culture

Budapest, November 7, 2011 11:30

Telekom has announced a competition for civil organisations to support the implementation of attitude forming programs on the topic of the "Integration of the Values of Hungarian Culture in Programs Implemented by NGOs". In assessing the entries the programs to be selected will be the ones that -integrating various branches of culture and activities - promote catching up and education and operate in the framework of healing/therapeutic, talent nurturing, developmental and equal opportunities programs. The final decision concerning the entries received will be taken by the Sustainability Media Club. The Board of Trustees of Magyar Telekom's "hello tomorrow!" has decided to provide a budget worth HUF 8 million to support the program. The minimum amount available for each supported program will be HUF 1 million.

With its competition in the topic of the "Integration of the Values of Hungarian Culture in Programs Implemented by NGOs" Telekom supports the projects of NGOs that operate healing/therapeutic, talent nurturing programs integrating various cultural branches and artistic activities (such as folk tales, music, dance, fine arts) in the framework of programs promoting integration and catching up, education, development and equal opportunities. The Board of Trustees is expecting entries that use info-communication technologies (ICT) in the implementation of their program, primarily the benefits of the internet and community media. An additional aim of the competition is to support programs that take a many-sided and even innovative approach to the values of Hungarian culture, incorporating them in their programs so that they focus on not only the success of the program but also the preservation of our values and the role they play in our everyday life.

To achieve and in the support of these goals the Board of Trustees "hello tomorrow!" has decided to provide a budget of HUF 8 million. The minimum amount available for each supported program will be HUF 1 million.

Magyar Telekom, as Hungary's leading info-communication company, will especially focus on the presence of innovation and any other initiative that promotes digital catching up. Telekom supports programs that are innovative and attain the target set through the use of efficient methods and means. It is also an important criterion that the entry should have a credible budget of costs, as well as its topicality, uniqueness and innovative nature, furthermore that it should focus on the possibilities inherent in the voluntary and community based programs. The budget available cannot be used for post-financing programs already implemented.

Entries will be welcome from non-governmental organisations - funds and associations -that are directly involved in the implementation of the particular program, are registered and operate in Hungary and are public benefit or prominently public benefit organisations. Governmental, minority, religious and political organisations are excluded from the competition.

In line with Magyar Telekom's transparent operation the organisations winning in the competition will be obliged to report on the implementation of the program and submit a detailed financial statement on the use of the sum donated.
The announcement of the competition with its detailed terms and the downloadable application form are available at

Entries will be accepted until November 15, 2011 and assessed by December 10, 2011.

Entries received will be evaluated in two phases. Magyar Telekom's "hello tomorrow!" Board of Trustees will submit the preselected entries receiving the highest score for decision to the jury composed of members of the Sustainability Media Club.

The Sustainability Media Club consists of printed, electronic and online press organs. Beside Magyar Telekom members of the Club are RTL Club, TV2, Sanoma, Class FM, the CEMP Group (Index), Origo, Metropol and Axel Springer. The aim of the club members is to show through their own means and channels, simply and in a readily understandable way, with specific examples, how sustainability can be practiced and what can be done for a liveable future.

The outcome of the evaluation will be announced on the website The company will also inform successful applicants electronically, in writing.

Magyar Telekom will enter into a donation agreement with the successful applicants, in which it will set out the conditions applicable to the use of the donations received.

As Hungary's leading info-communication provider and in line with its mission, Magyar Telekom is committed to the principle of sustainable development. With the "hello tomorrow!" initiative launched in December 2010 Magyar Telekom wishes to turn the concept of sustainability into a part of everyday life in a clear and readily understandable manner and at the same time draw attention to our common responsibility for a liveable future.

With regard to the above the donations board of Magyar Telekom - the Board of Trustees of "hello tomorrow!" - has renewed its donation practice and competition system. By announcing targeted competitions within the topic of sustainability, the Board of Trustees intends to draw attention to issues that are important for the society and which the company considers can be solved through the cooperation of the corporate and NGO spheres.