Press Releases

TEDxDanubia Conference with Magyar Telekom's Support

Budapest, March 22, 2011 15:00

Magyar Telekom will be the chief sponsor of the TEDxDanubia Conference to be held on March 25. The purpose of this extraordinary event will be to have the most challenging, innovative and inspiring thinkers of the country and the region come together and, stepping beyond their usual limits, exchange their ideas. The conference, titled "The Power of Imagination" will seek the answer to what imagination is, how it functions and why it is so important and useful to us in today's changing world. The greatest interest is attracted by Tomicah Tillemann's presentation, who is the principal policy advisor to Hillary Clinton, the United States Secretary of State. Renown Hungarian lecturers will also take part in the program, like, among others, Professors Freund Tamás neurobiologist, Csermely Péter, biochemist and Csányi Vilmos, ethologist.

TEDxDanubia is the first official, independently organised Hungarian version of the world class international TED Conferences. TED is perhaps the world's most challenging and sought for conference, which is not strictly of a professional nature and can be best captured by the slogan "Ideas Worth Spreading". With their 18-minute or even shorter, inspirational and entertaining lectures the TED Conferences offer an extremely intensive and inspiring experience. TED’s purpose is to bring together the most interesting, most meaningful, most innovative and most inspiring thinkers and doers, overarching frontiers in every sense, from the most divergent areas of life and spots of the world. TED Conferences bring about an intensive and stimulating environment, in which those who attend may better know each other and, through each other, the world and themselves, and they can enrich their thinking. Thereby new and innovative solutions and projects may come about.
Providing support to the TEDxDanubia event is well aligned with Magyar Telekom's program launched as "hello tomorrow!". The company uses the "hello tomorrow!" name to communicate all its divergent and colourful sustainability activities, like social responsibility, donations, program for trainees and equal opportunity initiatives. Being a company, which pioneers and walks the talk in social responsibility, it considers attitude formation, more particularly the promotion of sciences to be a key task. Through the promotion of sciences Magyar Telekom actively contributes as well to closing the digital divide and strengthening the equality of opportunities. As Hungary's leading info-communication provider it has pledged to render scientific achievements accessible to all through its multiplatform content services. Thus skills, knowledge and experiences can be shared at anytime and anywhere.

In the Conference the innovation laboratory of Magyar Telekom, Kitchen Budapest (KIBU) will invite participants to a game having been elaborated jointly with creativity and innovation expert Gábor George Burt, who will also be among conference speakers. The topic of the game: "Rebirthing of your childhood creativity". After the Conference the game will be announced for the public in the form of a competition on KIBU's website.

More information about the conference and its program is available at the web site.