Press Releases

Magyar Telekom and the Hungarian Olympic Committee confirm their 18 years old partnership by signing another agreement

Budapest, March 10, 2011

On behalf of Magyar Telekom and the Hungarian Olympic Committee - confirming their cooperation going back to almost two decades - Zsolt Borkai, president of the Hungarian Olympic Committee and Christopher Mattheisen, chairman and CEO of Magyar Telekom signed another cooperation agreement today. Accordingly, until the end of 2012 the largest Hungarian telecommunication company supports the Hungarian Olympic Committee as Gold Level Main Sponsor is achieving its goals and preparing participant of the upcoming Olympic Games in London.

Christopher Mattheisen, chairman and CEO of Magyar Telekom outlined in his speech that the new agreement is signed almost 500 days before the July 27, 2012 opening of the London Summer Olympic Games.

„We reached another milestone of the countdown, when every day has its specific role and programme for the athletes and their coaches, even minor tasks need to be performed swiftly and perfectly. We very best of Hungarian sports can count on us, as Magyar Telekom through its services committed itself to enable customers – in this case the athletes preparing for putting themselves to the test at the Olympic games – to keep in touch with each other and all those important to them both at home and on the go, even at training and competition sites” – said the chairman and CEO.

„Supporting the Hungarian Olympic movement has key importance within our overall sponsorship and we are especially proud that the Hungarian Olympic Committee can lean on Magyar Telekom as a reliable partner, already in the fifth Olympic preparation cycle” - Christopher Mattheisen added.

Zsolt Borkai, president of the Hungarian Olympic Committee expressed his appreciation for the market leader telecommunication company for having granted support – as part of the company’s good corporate citizenship – in 1996 at the Atlanta games, later in Sydney, Athens and most recently in Beijing to the Hungarian Olympic Committee and the Hungarian team.

„We are pleased and proud that Magyar Telekom, one of the largest and most successful companies in Hungary trusts and supports us as Gold Level Main Sponsor, encouraging us as a committed supporter of clean sports. On behalf of all members of the Hungarian Olympic Committee and the whole Olympic family I express our appreciation for the decision to extend the cooperation agreement of a company, the performance and opinion of which is dominant within the Hungarian economy, and which is of exemplary nature in Hungarian sports life towards other companies, among others also due to the company’s reliability and trustworthiness. I would be very happy to share the pleasure of celebrating Hungarian victories and other valuable positions achieved, which might even outperform the results of the Hungarian Olympic Team in Beijing” – said the president, who won Olympic gold medal in 1988 in Seoul.