Press Releases

Winners of Magyar Telekom's Competition for NGOs

Budapest, June 14, 2011 10:00

The donations board of Magyar Telekom's "hello tomorrow!" has declared on Friday the result of the competition it announced for NGOs in April to support the implementation of attitude forming programs in the topic of "sustainable attitude formation". Magyar Telekom donates a total of HUF 10 million in support of the winners' programs.

With the results announced today the first major initiative of the "hello tomorrow!" movement and the operation of the Sustainable Media Club have been successfully accomplished. The great number of applications received testifies to the success of the competition. The jury composed of the donations board of "hello tomorrow!" and members of the Sustainability Media Club has decided, after careful consideration and the assessment of the 55 applications received, to support the programs of the following NGOs:
- Zöld Pók Alapítvány ("Green Spider Foundation"),
- Kortárs Építészeti Központ Alapítvány (KÉK) (Contemporary Architecture Centre-KÉK),
- Diák- és Ifjúsági Újságírók Országos Egyesülete (DUE) (Journalist-Youth and Students National Association-DUE).

According to the jury's evaluation the programs introduced in the winning papers achieve the goals of sustainability attitude formation in an easy to accommodate, lovable and efficient manner.

The Green Spider Foundation intends to introduce to the public community initiatives through which people living in a particular residential area look for the means of resolving the difficulties of sustainability, poverty and living together. In the framework of the project films will be shot introducing three successful community initiatives that simultaneously focus on sustainability and solidarity (the Zselic and Ormánság regions, the small settlements of Tornanádaska and Rozsály, and the "village house" block of flats in Óbuda, Budapest). With the help of program partners like Origo and Videa as well as the local media the films will reach several hundred thousand flats.

The Contemporary Architect Centre Foundation (KÉK) intends to introduce community gardens in Budapest in the framework of civil self organising communities. Such initiatives look back on decades of tradition abroad. The first community garden, as expected, may be open in 2011 near the West Railway Station of Budapest, and become the largest community garden in Central Europe and a special attraction of the capital city. The aim of the program is to design and realize 3-5 gardens. The community gardens in Budapest contribute to the development of the capital city and are adapted to the social responsibility programs of local governments, companies and state institutions.

The aim of the DUE program is to articulate and interpret sustainable development for the most sensitive age group, young people, with the help of DUE's media network communication channel. The result of the program will be that the concept of sustainability will become a way of life for youth and being responsible for one's action will come natural to them. Young opinion-shapers-journalist students, radio broadcasters, will take part in intensive practical training conducted by professional experts. DUE's media: DUE's Tallózó magazine, DUE's Radio as well as DUE's online portal and community media will constitute the tools of the opinion-shaping of young people.

The applications received were evaluated in two phases. The pre-selected applications having been granted the highest number of scores were submitted by Magyar Telekom's "hello tomorrow!" donations board to the jury composed of members of the Sustainability Media Club. So the final decision on who should win the competition was taken by the Sustainability Media Club. The company will inform successful applicants in a personal meeting.

Magyar Telekom announced a competition for NGOs in April 2011 to support the implementation of attitude shaping programs, in the topic of "sustainable attitude formation".  The aim of the competition is to acquaint the broadest possible walks of the society with the principles, concept and possibilities of the practical implementation of sustainable development. Magyar Telekom intends to support with the competition the work of NGOs aimed at attitude formation, so that sustainability becomes widely known as a set of values, with people becoming aware of the environmental impacts of consumption, and the improvement of the reputation, availability and use of the various sustainable alternatives of consumption.

The Sustainability Media Club consists of printed, electronic and online press organs. Beside Magyar Telekom members of the Club are RTL Club, a TV2, Sanoma, Class FM, the CEMP Group (Index), Origo, Metropol, Est Media and Axel Springer. The aim of club members is to introduce through their own means and channels, simply and intelligibly, with specific examples how one can practice sustainability and what one can do for a liveable future.

Being Hungary's leading info-communication provider and in alignment with its mission, Magyar Telekom is committed to the principle of sustainable development. With the "hello tomorrow!" initiative launched in December 2010 Magyar Telekom wishes to turn the concept of sustainability into a part of everyday life in a clear and easy to accept manner and at the same time draw the attention that the liveable future is our common responsibility.