Donation Line for the Transportation of Children at a Disadvantage - in the months of July and Augus - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Donation Line for the Transportation of Children at a Disadvantage - in the months of July and August.

Budapest, July 5, 2011 10:00

Those calling or sending SMS to the hello tomorrow! line at 1788 are going to support the Together For Our Health Association in the months of July and August. Magyar Telekom, having successfully operated the donation line for the 9th year, now holds it important to promote with its support the development of Hungarian health, the enhancement of health services and, even more particularly, the healing of children.

The Together For Our Health Association was established in 2003 to support children's hospitals, institutions with the donation of equipment that are essential to treat children and that could not or hardly be purchased by the institutions due to their limited financial resources.

The Association intends to use the support received through the donation line towards purchasing a special patient-carrier vehicle for the Samaritanus Ambulance Service that could help to transport disabled children from the countryside to their (boarding) schools in Budapest. With the help of the new vehicle all equipment and possibilities will be available for the Samaritanus Ambulance Service to comfortably and safely transport disabled children to any part of the country.

The Association is in a close cooperation with numerous healthcare institutions, including the Karolina Hospital in Mosonmagyaróvár, the Regional Burns Treatment Center in Miskolc, the Infectology Department of the Semmelweis Ignác Healthcare Center in Miskolc or the Children's Clinic in Szeged. These institutions are supported with the procurement of medical equipment. In the near future a special laryngoscope will start to operate in Miskolc, in the Semmelweis Ignác Center, that was purchased abroad with the help of the Association. The non-profit organization gives special help to the SOTE I. Children's Clinic in Budapest - recently they helped to purchase a children's healthcare monitoring system.
The Association also helps the daycare center, the school and the elderly residents of a small village in Heves county, in Tarnaörs, not only financially but also with other, in-kind contributions.

The Donation Line, also known from the slogan "1788 - the people's number" is equally accessible from Magyar Telekom's wire line and mobile phone network. The fee both for the call and the SMS is HUF 100, which is free of VAT (with the exception of calls initiated from Domino top-up cards). The total amount of the calls received in the months of July and August, 2011 will be granted as the callers' donation to the Together For Our Health Association that will use this amount to purchase a special patient-carrier vehicle for the Samaritanus Ambulance Service.

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