Press Releases

Mobile Payment at the Szolnok College

Budapest, January 31, 2011

From the spring of 2011 at the Szolnok college – being the first among universities and colleges in Hungary – the Mobile Payment service becomes available, enabling Telenor, djuice and T-Mobile subscribers to meet their education related payment obligations – enlistment, dormitory, test and other fees – in a simple and comfortable way, even by using their mobile phones.

Nobody likes to wait hours in the IT room of the dormitory or university for hours to pay all the due amounts for the past semester on system Neptun, in one amount. Obviously, many are using own computers, for them this process is much easier and faster. As an initiative being part of Magyar Telekom’s T-City project in Szolnok, a new solution will be introduced from January 26, 2011 offering the students an even more simple way of making payments through their mobile phones, ranging from the few thousand forints of repeated test fees to tuition fees of higher amounts. Resulting from the cooperation of the Szolnok College, T-Mobile, Telenor, SDA Kft.(developer of the Neptun Unified Tuition System) and HC-Delta Kft. (developer of the TÜSZ integrated economic system) the MobilePayment system is already available from the 2010/2011autumn semester in Neptun.

Students choosing the new payment method need to sign a contract with FHB Commercial Bank– which they can do at the Szolnok College, as well as their mobile operator (Telenor, djuice és T-Mobile). A FHB MobilePayment bank account will be opened for them, certain fees can be paid from mobile phones debiting this account. Following this they need to register the telephone number used for MobilePayment on the website of Neptun. After registration the required payment transactions are automatically sent to the mobile phone number provided by the student, and the payment can be performed immediately from mobile phones, by producing the mCode (similar to the PIN) associated with the service. Further information about banking charges are available in the effective bulletin of FHB Bank (

As opposed to the umbrella line method of payment offered in Neptun, the MobilePayment provides extra comfort and additional advantages. Most importantly, with MobilePayment one can make real time payments, in other words the amounts confirmed on mobile phones are immediately credited in Neptun, irrelevant of whether payment was made during the day, at night of in the weekend. The service is useful as in addition to Neptun students can also use MobilePayment for other purposes, they can charge their mobile phone cards, or pay their rent and utility fees. They can also try the money transfer or receiving functions, enabling them to send money to acquaintances also having a contract for the service, with a few simple clicks.

MobilePayment fees are also favorable, below the age of 24 students only need to pay a service fee of HUF 690, which is the annual charge for using this payment method. This banking fee however is waived by FHB in the first year, therefore using the MobilePayment service is only conditioned upon paying the mobile operators the SMS fees used during the service, that is HUF 20 per SMS.

Telenor, T-Mobile and FHB Bank introduced the MobilePayment service in October 2008, offering the subscribers of the two operators a novel, comfortable, secure and innovative payment method in Hungary. The number of MobilePayment POS as well as the range of available services and products increases continuously, operators and Partners accepting MobilePayment regularly provide information about this to subscribers.