Press Releases

Magyar Telekom's Competition for NGOs for the Labour Market Integration of People Living with Disabilities

Budapest, August 2, 2011 13:00

Magyar Telekom has announced a competition in the topic of "the integration in the open labour market of people living with disabilities" for NGOs in order to support the implementation of programs aimed at attitude formation. Selected in the course of the assessment of nominations will be programs the implementation of which will improve the chance of employment in the open labour market of people living with disabilities, who are multiply at a disadvantage if considering employment. The final decision related to the nominations received will be taken by the Sustainability Media Club. The board of trustees of Magyar Telekom's hallo tomorrow! has rendered available a total budget of HUF 8 million for supporting the competition. The minimum amount available for one program to be supported is HUF 1 million.

Magyar Telekom intends to support the work of NGOs aimed at attitude formation through a competition announced in the topic of "promoting the employment in the open labour market of people living with disabilities".
The board of trustees is expecting submissions aimed at attitude formation and offering a practical solution, through the use of info communication technologies (ICT), for improving the employment of people living with disabilities. An additional aim of the competition is to support programs that, beside all this, also contribute to the positive attitude formation of society at large with respect to the employment of disabled people in the open labour market. It is also expected that the programs will help bring about an employment model facilitating the joint employment of people with and without disabilities even in the work environment of large companies.

The board of trustees of hello tomorrow! has decided to grant a budget of HUF 8 million to support the above-mentioned goals, and the minimum amount available for each supported program will be HUF 1 million.

Application criteria contain, among others that the program concerned should achieve the set goal through means that comply with innovation, which Magyar Telekom treats as its key brand value. Possibly it should use advanced info communication devices and be furnished with a credible budget of costs. Another important criterion is the extent to which the program is topical, unique and innovative. No grant can be extended towards post financing of programs that have already been implemented.

Applications can be submitted by public benefit and special public benefit social organisations registered and operating in Hungary and directly involved in the program - foundations and associations. State, minority, religious and political organisations may not submit applications.

In compliance with Magyar Telekom's transparent operation winning organisations shall be obliged to submit a report about the implementation of the program and give an itemized account of the use of the amount having been granted to them.

The invitation of applications, which contains the detailed criteria and the downloadable form are available at the website.
The deadline by which applications are to be submitted is August 22, 2011, and they will be assessed by September 24, 2011.

Applications received will be evaluated in two rounds. The board of trustees of Magyar Telekom's hello tomorrow! will submit the pre-screened and shortlisted applications to the jury composed of members of the Sustainability Media Club for final decision.

The Sustainability Media Club consists of Hungary's leading printed, electronic and online press organs. Members of the Club apart from Magyar Telekom are RTL Club, TV2, Sanoma, Class FM, the CEMP Group (Index), Origo, Metropol, the Est Media and Exel Springer. The aim of club members is to demonstrate through their own means and channels and in an easily accessible and meaningful manner for the public at large, using specific examples, how we can live sustainability in our everyday life and what we all can do for a liveable future.

The outcome of the evaluation will be announced on the web site. The company will inform successful applicants electronically and in writing as well.

Magyar Telekom will conclude a donation agreement with successful applicants highlighting the terms under which the grants can be used.

Magyar Telekom, being Hungary's major info communication provider, in alignment with its mission, is committed to the principle of sustainable development. With the initiative of hello tomorrow! launched in December 2010 Magyar Telekom would like to achieve that the concept should become a part of our everyday life sending its clear and easy-to-understand messages and, at the same time, to draw the attention that a liveable future is our common responsibility. The board of trustees responsible for Magyar Telekom's donations, i.e. the hello tomorrow! board of trustees has this time renewed the practice of its donations and its system of competitions.

The board of trustees intends to direct the attention through the announcement of thematic applications within the topic of sustainability to important social issues the solution of which it considers possible through the cooperation of the corporate and NGO sphere.