Press Releases

Magyar Telekom Calling for Applications of NGOs in Sustainability Related Attitude Formation

Budapest, April 19, 2011 16:00

Magyar Telekom has announced a call for applications by non-governmental organisations in the topic of "sustainable attitude formation" in order to support the implementation of attitude forming programs. The programs to be selected in assessing applications will be the ones that aim to make the broadest walks of society aware of the principles, concept and the possibilities of the practical implementation of sustainable development. Final decision related to the applications received will be taken by the Sustainability Media Club. The Board of Trustees of Magyar Telekom's "hello tomorrow!" has rendered available a budget worth HUF 10 million in support of the competition. The minimum amount available per support will be HUF 2 million.

Magyar Telekom's aim with its call for applications in the topic of "sustainable attitude formation" is to support the work of NGOs engaged in shaping people's attitudes. Sustainability principles and their practical implementation are an imperative for all walks of society. Therefore the Board of Trustees will welcome applications, the implementation of which will make increasingly broader ranges of the society recognise their responsibility for and interests in sustainable development and the need to safeguard the values of society and the environment. The Board of Trustees therefore is expecting to receive practical examples and master projects that help in enhancing awareness and popularity of the concept of sustainable development.

The call for applications intends to contribute to increasing the awareness of sustainability as a set of values, to making people aware of the environmental impacts of consumption and to improve the awareness, availability and use of sustainable alternatives of consumption. An additional aim is to increasingly encourage people to take their own, personal decisions whereby they can promote the wellbeing of current and future generations.

The Board of Trustees of "hello tomorrow!" has decided to render available a budget in support of these goals, the value of which is HUF 10 million. The minimum amount available per support is HUF 2 million.

Application requirements include, among others, that the program concerned should realize its target through means that comply with innovation, a key brand value of Magyar Telekom. It should use modern info communication tools as far as possible, and have a credible cost budget. An additional major criterion is the extent to which the program is topical, unique and innovative. No support may be granted to post-financing of programs having been implemented already.

Applications will be welcome from public benefit and priority public benefit social organisations: foundations, associations and non-profit organisations. State, minority, religious and political organisations may not participate.

In compliance with Magyar Telekom's transparent operation the organisations that win with their application shall be obliged to submit a report on the implementation of their program and to hand in an itemized financial statement on how the donated amount has been used.

The details of the call for applications and the downloadable application form are available at, and on the web site of Magyar Telekom at:
Applications are accepted until May 10, 2010 and their evaluation will take place by June 10, 2010.

The evaluation of the applications will take place in two phases. The Board of Trustees of Magyar Telekom's "hello tomorrow!" will submit for final decision the pre-selected applications with the highest number of scores to a panel to consist of members of the Sustainability Media Club.

The Sustainability Media Club consists of leading Hungarian printed, electronic and online press organs. Members of the Club, apart from Magyar Telekom, are RTL Club, TV2, Sanoma, Class FM, the CEMP Group (Index), Origo, Metropol and Axel Srpinger. Members of the Club pursue the objective of introducing through their own means and channels, using easy-to-understand and specific examples, in a manner that is easy to access by the audience at large, how we all can live sustainability in our everyday life and what we all can do for a liveable future.

The results of the evaluation will be announced on the web site. The company will also inform successful applicants electronically, in writing.

Magyar Telekom will enter into a donation agreement with successful applicants, in which it will lay down the criteria of using the donation granted.

Magyar Telekom, Hungary's leading info communication carrier - in alignment with its mission - is committed to the principle of sustainable development. With its "hello tomorrow!" initiative launched in December 2010 it intends the concept of sustainability to become a part of everyday life in a manner that is meaningful and easy to accept and, at the same time, draw the attention that a liveable future is a collective responsibility of all of us.

The Board of Trustees of Magyar Telekom's donations, - the "hello tomorrow!" Board of Trustees - has revised on this occasion its practice of donations and system of calling for applications. Through the announcement of specific competitions within the topic of sustainability the Board of Trustees intends to direct attention to issues that are important for society and the solution of which it considers to be possible through the cooperation of the corporate and civil sphere.