Press Releases

Magyar Telekom sponsors Researchers' Night this year again

Budapest, September 20, 2010 12:00

Magyar Telekom shall sponsor again Researchers' Night of this year, which is to take place on September 24. The nationwide program will run parallel at 42 institutions of 24 cities. The purpose of the whole-day, festival-like event is to popularize science, scientific achievements and research as a way of life, in a format easily understandable for everyone.

As one of the most significant Hungarian program series addressing research and development, this science festival has been very popular for the past five years and attracts a wide audience. Magyar Telekom has been sponsoring the event since 2008. This year, Magyar Telekom will provide not only Millenáris, as the central, Budapest-based location for the event, but also invite visitors to take part in innovative demonstrations and creative, interactive programs.

Magyar Telekom's innovation laboratory, Kitchen Budapest (KiBu) will mount three installations. Visitors will be presented a real-time animation software called Animata shadow theater, by means of which scenes can easily be built with virtual puppets. They can also try Opera Looper, which is an interactive installation built for an event of the New York Brooklyn Museum, and marvel at the virtual LAN-dandelion, called Landelion, which has been created by transforming recycled cables into an organic form, and can be brought to life by the visitor.

Hungary's major provider of interactive and multiplatform content, Origo, which is a member of Magyar Telekom Group, will introduce some of its mobile applications broadcast on Bluetooth at Millenáris.

Magyar Telekom's system integration and IT service provider, KFKI will contribute to the exciting programs by establishing a video conference of excellent quality, which will provide a live connection between the central and the Győr-based locations.

In addition, Magyar Telekom keeps those in mind too who are about to start their careers, thus shall mount a dedicated stand to offer the opportunity to university and college students to learn more about its internship program called "Be an everyday hero!", which is increasingly popular among them.

Sponsoring Researchers' Night fits well into Magyar Telekom's corporate citizenship strategy. Playing a leading and exemplary role in corporate citizenship, Magyar Telekom considers it one of its main responsibilities to educate society in general and sponsoring public education and popular science projects in particular. By popularizing sciences, the Company actively promotes the effort of eliminating the digital divide and strengthening the concept of equal opportunity. As the leading ITC provider of Hungary, Magyar Telekom is committed to making scientific achievements available to everyone through its multiplatform content services. Thus, information, knowledge and experiences can be shared anytime, anywhere.

Programs of Researchers' Night are free-of-charge, registration is required for entrance. You can read more about the event and Magyar Telekom's programs at