Press Releases

New mobile advertising possibilty on the Akció Nekem website: promotional offers, advertisements, SMS vouchers, valuable prizes forwarded to mobile phones, upon demand

Budapest, September 6, 2010

Under the name of Akció Nekem (Promotion for Me) Magyar Telekom launched a new mobile marketing site at the web address. Beside T-Home and T-Mobile offers, those registering on this page will also be informed about promotional offers and discount schemes of contractual partners, active in topics of interest to the registered subscribers. In addition, subscribers can also purchase certain promoted items occasionally, by presenting the SMS voucher received on their mobile phones. Following a registration – that only takes a few minutes on the page – subscribers can also participate at promotional games and win valuable prizes.

As mobile phones are becoming everyday commodity, new horizons were opened in the field of advertising, building upon the direct and swift reach. The novel applications of mobile marketing – expected to become increasingly more dominant – will offers benefits to both advertisers and users. Direct mobile telephone activity – be it either a text solution or mobile Internet application – offers effective reach. The solution assists companies in optimizing advertising spendings as messages can be targeted to the most appropriate potential customer segment. As a further advantage of mobile ads, they can be applied in all phases of the purchase process; hence it can fully serve the business objectives required by the client. Mobile marketing also brings benefits to customers, as they can be informed about the promotional offers in themes of interest to them within hours or even minutes. More targeted advertisements, tailored to the needs of customers are more useful, less distracting and registration for these advertisements can be cancelled simply, by just sending a single SMS.

The most important objective of the Akció Nekem site is to link advertisers and users, proving and popularizing the opportunities inherent in mobile advertising. Subscribers of Hungarian mobile operators can register on page easily, swiftly and free of charge by just filling in a questionnaire. Those registering will receive information directly about promotional offers and discounted terms of partner companies to Akció Nekem. Additionally, certain products are expected to be available under more favourable terms by presenting the SMS voucher received on mobile phones. Those registering latest by November 30 are eligible to win valuable prizes, including an Apple MacBook Pro computer, a wellness weekend for 2 in Hotel Fagus**** in Sopron, Samsung Wave mobile telephones and mobile Internet subscriptions.

More details about the Akció Nekem registration, the prizes or other terms and conditions are available at: