Press Releases

Magyar Telekom: in partnership with Higher Education

Budapest, October 27, 2010 15:00

Magyar Telekom adopted the freshly renovated sports hall of Óbuda University's Kiss Árpád College, in the framework of the popular student event, the 2010-minute small court soccer championship. Employees of Hungary's leading info-communication services company renewed the hall in the framework of volunteer work jointly with the members of partner student organisations with total costs ensured by the company. Magyar Telekom has once again proven its being a committed strategic partner of Hungarian higher education as a company in the vanguard of sustainability and a socially responsible employer.

The renewal of the sports hall and the extraordinary adoption is the first initiative of the strategic framework agreement signed this year by the company and the university. The Óbuda University, on the other hand, is only one among the 8 institutions of higher education with which Magyar Telekom has been strategically allied within the framework of an agreement. The framework agreements between Budapest Corvinus University, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, CEU Business School, the University of Debrecen, ELTE, Széchenyi István University, the College of Szolnok and Magyar Telekom are the result of the Higher Education Dialogue held in November 2009. At the forum, which was initiated for the first time ever by Telekom out of the leading companies of the business sphere, the management of the company group introduced its partnership strategy with higher education and, at the same time, declared that by setting up the partnership Magyar Telekom aims to renew and activate the contacts between the company sphere and higher education and to promote the training activities that establish the groundwork for the future of the whole industrial sector.

Magyar Telekom's Chief HR Officer, Éva Somorjai said with respect to the extraordinary adoption: "For me today's adoption is a good example of how we are able to support-through our continuous contact with both the university and the local student organisation-higher education struggling with a scarcity of resources, in an unusual yet useful manner. International examples are there to prove that in order to have increasingly successful the joint projects and developments that emerge in the course of partnership relations, parties first must become aware of each other's thinking, needs and possibilities. This mapping up is underway with all the institutions with which strategic partnership agreements have already been set up. Our aim is to have the plans of action being prepared now beneficial for both parties and we do hope they will also positively influence Hungary's competitiveness."

Magyar Telekom's social responsibility endeavours have already been recognised by several prizes up to now. We won several times the Most Outstanding Business Donator Prize. In the Most Attractive Company survey Telekom was prestigiously ranked 4th by engineering students and 7th by student economists. As a company committed to equal opportunities Telekom helps young people at the start of their career with a trainee program, the success of which is testified by the fact that over one thousand people have applied for the program to be launched in February next year.