Press Releases

Parking can be paid with mobile phones also in shopping malls!

Budapest, October 7, 2010

Telenor, T-Mobile and Vodafone jointly with EME Zrt launched their new service, the latest MobileParking product: indoor MobileParking. The advantages of comfortable payment – enjoying huge popularity already regarding outdoor parking – will be enjoyed first by visitors of MOM Park shopping mall.

The popularity of outdoor MobileParking – launched in 2009 – is clearly proven, as in the 1.5 years elapsed since the launch mobile operators registered almost 4 million successful parking transactions, and EME Zrt. processes more than 20 thousand mobile parking transactions each year.

MOM Park is the first shopping mall to introduce indoor MobileParking, and Telenor, T-Mobile, Vodafone and EME Zrt. intend to gradually increase the number of locations offering mobile parking. Partners aim at rolling out indoor mobile parking first in Budapest, followed by other Hungarian cities. This comfortable, time saving and cashless payment method can soon be enjoyed by customers of Telenor, T-Mobile, Vodafone and EME Zrt. also in other shopping malls.

The service is available to subscribers of any Hungarian mobile operator – just like public outdoor parking – debiting their universal credit balance, or telephone invoice.

Simple use

Unlike public outdoor MobileParking, the indoor solution is not operated by sending the words start-stop in SMS. In case of indoor MobileParking fee payment is done in one amount, before leaving the parking facility.

In case of MOM Park motorists need to take a parking ticket when entering the underground garage, and the 6 digit identification code needs to be sent to number 06-20/30/70- 810-9997 in SMS, prior to leaving.

Following this the customer receives an SMS asking for approval, and – as specified in the text message – the purchase act can be approved by sending any text (except for “No”), for example OK. After the successful mobile purchase the parking fee* is debited to the the customer’s account, which is also verified in an SMS. In access of the parking fee a transaction fee of HUF 75, and the fee of 2 SMS messages – according to the tariff package of the customer – is charged, for each transaction. Using MobileParking, the movie theater and other parking discount schemes are not available.

Using mobile parking payment, the customer must pay attention to providing the necessary data correctly, and to use the appropriate mobile prefix, relevant to his own mobile operator. The garage must be left within 10 minutes, following the successful purchase transaction! Effective parking fees and the rules of parking is set by MOM Park ( The service is available under the Mobile Shopping service terms and conditions.

Further information available:

Telenor: 1220, T-Mobile: 1430, Vodafone: 1270 and at