Press Releases

Magyar Telekom's corporate social responsibility efforts are acknowledged by the Summa Artium award

Budapest, November 22, 2010 10:00

The Summa Artirum awards were distributed at the sixth Mecénás Day Award Ceremony 2010 and this year's "Culture in the CSR" category award was given to Magyar Telekom. The award acknowledges the efforts of the Company to support culture in the last two decades.

At the most important annual Hungarian art donation event, organized in the Museum of Contemporary Arts, companies and natural persons are awarded for their support of culture and arts.

Magyar Telekom has been supporting corporate social responsibility programs for almost two decades. The leading Hungarian telecommunication service provider's corporate social responsibility strategy includes the support of education, healthcare prevention programs as well as sustainability and culture.
The Company, right after the establishment of the Hungarian market economy, volunteered to undertake important missions like operating its own symphonic orchestra (now Concerto Budapest), museum or to organize the "Kapcsolat" concerts by T-Mobile, which is the biggest, free pop music concert series in Hungary.

The Company provides complex support for culture. Donations are granted to fine art exhibitions, films and classical music. It is particularly important for Magyar Telekom to support cultural and pop music festivals - Valley of Arts, Volt festival, Balaton Sound, Bánki-tó festival, Kids-island, ARC, Pécsi National Inheritance Festival, Campus festival, and the former Budapest Spring and Autumn festivals. The Company finds it important to help the internationally acknowledged work of Művészetek Palotája (Palace of Arts) as their strategic and communication partner.
The Company also grants donation to scientific educational programs and research. Magyar Telekom is a key organizer of the very successful "Researchers' night" event that popularizes sciences and also helps the scientific work of the Mindentudás Egyeteme as well as the mobil society research projects of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

In the case of culture sponsoring projects it is very important that the supported artists and pieces of art reach the broadest possible circle of people and that the Company's donation activities facilitates the improvement of public awareness.
Magyar Telekom's cultural efforts are combined with other elements of the corporate social responsibility activities, like providing a special viewing area at the Kapcsolat concerts that was accessible for the disabled or building bicycle stands near the concert as part of the communication campaign to promote environment friendly ways of transportation.