Press Releases

Magyar Telekom actively supports the TEDx Youth conference in Budapest

Budapest, November 18, 2010 12:00

Magyar Telekom is the main sponsor of the TEDxYouth@Budapest conference to be organized for the first time in Hungary on November 20. The event, where young talents present their innovative ideas so that we can live in a better and more positive world, is very popular and successful throughout the whole world. The goal of TEDxYouth is to find young talents and to support them to further develop their ideas and to continue their research and creative work. The events are organized simultaneously at several locations of the globe - from Amsterdam to Tokyo - and this time Budapest joins the event.

The TEDxYouth events take place at 55 locations simultaneously where one can meet and attend the presentations of young people who deserve our attention. These young talents excel among their peers with their innovative, new ideas and atypical, new viewpoints.

The event in Hungary, TEDxYouth@Budapest, introduces young and gifted talents who have versatile and inspiring thoughts. They are curious about each other and the world and want to explore, understand and create to promote positive changes in the world. The presenters include a 18 years old, several times world champ kayaker, a 15 years old high school student who delivers a presentation on reforming the education system, an international story teller and an undergraduate engineer who works on designing underground containers. Their common feature is that regardless of their chosen profession their message is new and liberating. The organizers welcome those who are open to innovative, atypical thoughts, voices, creative solutions and believe that we can lay down the foundations of a better and more livable world hand in hand with the younger generations.

Magyar Telekom provides the necessary infrastructure for a live online broadcast of the event on its web site.

The support of the TEDxYouth@Budapest event is in line with Magyar Telekom's citizenship effort strategy. As a leading and exemplary citizenship company Magyar Telekom finds it of key importance to take part in the improvement of general public awareness and to support general scientific education. The company, through supporting the popularization of sciences, actively contributes to the closing the digital gap and to strengthen equal opportunities. Magyar Telekom, as the leading Hungarian infocommunication company, is committed to make scientific results available for everyone through its multiplatform content services so that knowledge and experience could be shared anytime and anywhere.

For further information on the conference, programs and presenters please visit: