Press Releases

The service portfolio of T-Mobile and T-Home may increase with an e-book offering mobile network access by the autumn

Budapest, June 3, 2010

On the occasion of the Week of Books, Magyar Telekom and eKönyv Magyarország Kft. (e-Book Hungary Ltd.) signed an agreement, enabling T-Mobile subscribers to directly buy e-books from webpage a, using the txtr platform – developed for electronic book purchasing – and the txtr 6” reader, which will be introduced in a few months. The mobile connection offers the advantage that using the e-book one can browse in the webshop comfortably, and can buy electronic book either while relaxing at Lake Balaton or travelling on the metro.

At the end of last year T-Home and T-Mobile started to distribute an eBook on an experimental basis, which with Internet subscription was available even on 12 months interest-free instalments. The success of this device confirmed expectations that – in line with international trends – digital content consumption will also rapidly gain ground in Hungary. The electronic book market increases rapidly, according to the prognosis of publishing house Harper Collins by 2020 every second book sold will be digital. As a screen company, Magyar Telekom is committed to all solutions that make access to information and contents easier, based on the modern network and terminals, both at home and on the move.

Electronic books offer the commercial advantage of quick access, more simple logistics and distribution without the need for stocks. Users on the other hand will enjoy shopping experience more comfortable than ever before – as e-books can be purchased either at home or even travelling on a train. In addition, thousands of e-books can be stored on a computer or in the memory of the eBook, so we can carry the whole library.

Based on the agreement between eKönyv Magyarország Kft. – founded by Nyrt. (playing a dominant role in online book sales) and Líra Könyv Zrt. – and Magyar Telekom, the txtr e-book 6” release will be available in the portfolio of T-Mobile and T-Home in a few months, offering the option of buying e-books through the mobile network with a SIM card and GPRS/EDGE access. DRM protected electronic books can be downloaded directly on a txtr 6” e-book reader, iPhone or iPad. Android mobile phone, a computer or any other txtr platform-enabled terminal. As the major advantage of the txtr 6” e-book, consequent to the incorporated SIM card, the user can access and make purchases in the webshop through the mobile network, and the books purchased can be immediately downloaded on the book reader.

As yet another advantage, books in electronic format can be purchased even 30% cheaper compared to the print version. The new book of Péter Esterházy titled Esti – published on the occasion of the Week of Books – can be downloaded for HUF 2,490 from website In addition, based on the agreement between T-Mobile and eKönyv Magyarország Kft. customers can use the mobile connection without any charge. Books, novelties of documents purchased can be paid electronically, with bank card payment. Within this business model, based on the txtr platform even periodicals, series of books or daily papers will be available in electronic format.

The 600x800 pixel resolution txtr 6” e-book is expected to be distributed from the autumn, with a special e-ink Vizplex grey colour display, providing an experience similar to paper print when viewing content (HTML, ePub, PDF, office, pictures). The terminal weighs a mere 300 gram, comes with Hungarian menu, Linux based software and 128 MB memory, which can be increased with 8 GB microSD cards (on such a card about 6,000 e-books can be stored). The terminal can be connected to a computer through USB, while it also offers comfortable wireless purchase and download through the GPRS/EDGE connection.