Press Releases

"hello tomorrow!" - Join Telekom for Sustainable Development

Budapest, December 27, 2010 13:00

"hello tomorrow!" is the title of the sustainability communication campaign to be launched by Magyar Telekom in the Hungarian media from December 27. The campaign, which will be on in the radio, television and the internet will feature well known personalities expressing their end-of-the-year pledge of what they will do in the future to live their life in a more environmentally conscious and sustainable manner. Among others Tilla, Novák Péter, Oroszlán Szonja, Kovács Kati and Caramel will appear in the campaign, the aim of which is to set an example of how everybody is able to change their own life and environment. In the meantime, while the campaign is on, anybody can make video or verbal pledges by visiting Magyar Telekom's web site until the end of January. The company will honour the best messages with sustainable prizes.

It is not a new brand Magyar Telekom intends to introduce with the hello tomorrow campaign; it will start an initiative, which is hoped to grow into a movement.

The company's chairman-CEO, Christopher Mattheisen will also speak in the campaign film, who said in this regard: "It is a long time now that Magyar Telekom has rendered the sustainability concept available for its customers and partners through its own sustainable operation as well as through its services and products. It continues to consider the increasingly widespread dissemination and support of the concept to be its key task in the future as well. During the campaign we shall try to draw the attention to this important topic with the help of well-known pop starts, athletes and artists. We are going to demonstrate with specific examples how we live and can live according to the concept of sustainability in our everyday life and what everybody can do for a sustainable future."

Anybody will be welcome to join the campaign to be on in the television, radio, internet and the social media. And anybody will be welcome to upload their own sustainability video or verbal pledge to Magyar Telekom's hello tomorrow web site until the end of January. The company will honour the most creative and best pledges with valuable prizes.
One may also happen to come across inverse graffiti that read hello tomorrow! at 200 busy places of Budapest during the campaign (shopping malls, pedestrian crossings).

Magyar Telekom will communicate in the future all its diverse and colourful sustainability activities, i.e. its social responsibility and endowment actions, its trainee program and equal opportunity initiatives under the hello tomorrow! title. The face of the hello tomorrow! communication will be Novák Péter.

Further details about the hello tomorrow! web site and the campaign are available at:

Hungary's market leader telecommunication company announced its sustainability campaign called "hello tomorrow!" on the 3rd Sustainability Day held in September. As a first element of the campaign the company and the Vegyél Vissza! not for profit company announced an essay competition on the topic of sustainability, with the title: "What will meet us in 2020?" with the patronage of the Parliamentary Commissioner of Future Generations, Dr. Fülöp Sándor.

Magyar Telekom has devoted special attention to the management of sustainability issues since the 1990s. The company has been coordinating at Group level its environmentally conscious efforts since 2002, and has had a sustainability strategy since 2005. It was first in Hungary to publish a sustainability report with a GRI G3 A+ certification and is intent to integrate the sustainability related approach into its corporate governance processes at all levels.

The company has been recognised several times for its sustainability activities. Among others it came out first in the "CSR 24/7" survey of 2009, has won the Best Workplace in Hungary and the Best Workplace in Central and East Europe title, and has been included in the Central and East European Responsible Investment Universe (CEERIUS) Index of the Vienna Stock Exchange for 2011.