The world is changing! The taxi bill can already be paid at Radio Tele 5 Taxi Holding also with Mobi - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

The world is changing! The taxi bill can already be paid at Radio Tele 5 Taxi Holding also with MobilePayment

Budapest, December 14, 2010

The dynamically developing taxi company – having the largest and most sophisticated infrastructure background in Budapest and its agglomeration – offers new, market leading solutions to its customers, starting from December 14, 2010.

Consequent to the cooperation of the taxi company, T-Mobile, Telenor and FHB Bank, from December 14, 2010 in almost 900 Radio Tele 5 Taxi cars the MobilePayment method will be accepted, enabling passengers to pay their taxi bills easily, by using mobile phones. Soon another function will be available as well, through which one can pay the taxi fare in advance, when placing an online order on the website of the taxi company – no need to worry about the payment when sitting in the taxi. However, not only will it be worthwhile to pay with mobile phone for the added comfort, as Radio Tele 5 Taxi also offers a discount scheme for passengers open for the innovative payment method: those opting for MobilePayment can use the taxis at especially favourable tariffs!

In addition, from mid December Radio Tele 5 Taxi Holding also receives GPS based taxi orders from iPhones, as well as from phones running Windows Mobile or Android operation systems. Point is, that using a specific software – downloadable free onto the phones – customers are not required to call the taxi despatch center, all they have to do is select the „Taxi ordering based on GPS coordinates” menu item, and within 2-10 minutes after pushing the button the taxi arrives to the location.

Radio Tele 5 Taxi Holding Ltd. – being the legal successor of the former Radio Taxi and Tele 5 Taxi companies – started commercial operation on September 24, 2010. Radio Taxi Kft. started IT and process developments required for the above solutions in 2009, by involving Cisco and Bull, as well as the leading telecommunication partners. By early 2010 the eTaxi-voucher solution was completed and introduced (primarily targeting corporate partners), enabling online cost monitoring, reporting by cost centers, e-billing and integration with the largest integrated corporate systems.

Radio Tele 5 Taxi Holding performs about 160 thousand routes every month, besides the residential segment the institutional segment includes large and highly reputed multinational and public companies, municipalities and government institutions. Beside MobilePayment, all vehicles are equipped with terminals accepting MasterCard, VISA and American Express bank cards

Telenor, T-Mobile and FHB Bank introduced the MobilePayment service in October, 2008 enabling customers of the two mobile operators to use a radically new, comfortable, safe and innovative payment method. The number of MobilePayment Points of Sale, as well as the assortment of products and services available with this payment method increases continuously, and customers are regularly informed about it by operators and the Partners accepting MobilePayment.

Using the MobilePayment service is conditioned upon signing a contract with FHB Commercial Bank, following which one can pay with a mobile phone, debiting the MobilePayment bank account, associated with the service. Signing the contract for MobilePayment can be initiated at the subscribers respective mobile operator.

Information about the bank charges of MobilePayment is available in the respective announcement of FHB Bank. The payable fee for SMS messages sent related to the service is HUF 20/SMS. Further information is available at or at the MobilePayment customer service telephone number 06 40 200 115, as well as at the customer service of mobile operators (T-Mobile: 1430, 06-1 265 9210, Telenor: 1220).

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