Press Releases

University of All Knowledge - new format, new content

University of All Knowledge - new format, new content

Budapest, April 15, 2010 13:00

As of September, the very popular series of televised lectures shall continue in a new format, in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Magyar Telekom. "University of All Knowledge 2.0" episodes will combine high-quality scientific approach with state-of-the-art technology. The continuance of the series is enabled by the agreement concluded between University of All Knowledge Non-profit LLC, established by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Magyar Telekom, and the National Development Agency, financed from the approximately HUF 800 million grant obtained from the Norwegian Fund.

According to the plans, the series of 48 shows will address 16 scientific subject matters selected by members of the program's Advisory Board, all outstanding scientists of Hungary, in cooperation with the management of University of All Knowledge LLC. The subject matters addressed are closely linked to the results of global research and technological development efforts, and the achievements presented have direct impact on the everyday life of our society.

According to the new approach, each subject matter will be addressed by three interrelated televised episodes. Following the university-lecture-type presentation, which had also been very popular in the earlier series, selected experts of the topics will discuss the questions, raised by the presenter, and their impact on society in a panel discussion set up. The practical use of scientific progress will be described in documentary-like program elements. The episodes of the seven-month series will be broadcast in two-week cycles by Duna Televizió. The exact broadcast times will be published on posters, leaflets, through television trailers and the program's homepage ( Some of the programs will be shot at university towns in the countryside, thus, the new University of All Knowledge series will introduce several internationally recognized scientific institutions.

Commenting upon the re-launch of the program, the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, József Pálinkás emphasized: "Nowadays, science contributes to improving our everyday lives, as well as creating products and services, to a much greater extent than any time in history. That is why it is of utmost importance that we increase the public's awareness about scientific achievements in an easy-to-understand manner. We seek out researchers who are willing to step out of the closed world of laboratories, as we need publicity to demonstrate that people who achieve significant progress in scientific research are appreciated and recognized. In Hungary, one of the most important tasks is to improve the standards of natural science education at secondary school, which is to be achieved by a joint effort of the community. As part of its public service, the Academy contributes to ensuring that the highest possible number of Hungarian secondary-school graduates have basic knowledge in the area of natural sciences, and we support their teachers in this, too."

József Pálinkás believes that University of All Knowledge 2.0 will be a reliable medium to communicate intellectual achievements, which can also exemplify that sciences, if communicated well, may be interesting for everyone. The three pillars of the program enable the viewers to get an insight into the impact of research and inventions on everyday human life, from economic implications to ethical issues. "University of All Knowledge 2.0 will hopefully bring sciences and research closer to people."

Magyar Telekom's Chairman-CEO, Christopher Mattheisen said that "University of All Knowledge fits in well with Magyar Telekom's corporate citizenship strategy. As a company playing a leading role and setting an example to follow in corporate citizenship, we consider it our task to shape society's thinking, among others, by promoting education and public sciences projects. By striving to eliminate the digital divide, we also contribute to the improvement of the country's competitiveness. By popularizing sciences in the framework of University of All Knowledge 2.0, we wish to actively enable that members of society leave the digital divide behind and enjoy equal opportunities. That is why Magyar Telekom has committed to make information on scientific achievements accessible to everyone, supported by multiplatform content provision, introduced by us. As the leading ICT provider of Hungary, we can enable people to share information, knowledge and experiences anytime, anywhere. In the framework of University of All Knowledge 2.0, the content and knowledge hallmarked by the best of the Hungarian scientific community will be accessible on television, internet and mobile phones alike, and in an interactive format on all three screens."
Prompted by the re-launch of the series, the homepage of University of All Knowledge will also be renewed, delivering 21st century scientific content through state-of-the-art communication means. Not only the lectures and the accompanying background information will be viewable at and downloadable from the site as of September, but the new portal will enable greater interactivity, thus promoting the dialogue between the best researchers, professors and the public. The episodes of University of All Knowledge 2.0 will be supplemented by electronic materials accessible through the internet, which might be inevitable for secondary-school teachers, students and those seeking admission to academic education institutions.

Those interested may attend the lectures free of charge, if they register at the site in advance.

About Magyar Telekom
Magyar Telekom is Hungary's biggest provider of telecom services. It provides a full range of telecommunications and infocommunications (ICT) services including fixed line and mobile telephony, data transmission and non-voice as well as IT and systems integration services. The business activities of Magyar Telekom are managed by two business units: Consumer services (the home-related services brand T-Home and the mobile communications brand T-Mobile) and Business services (T-Systems brand). Magyar Telekom is the majority owner of Makedonski Telekom, the leading fixed line and mobile operator in Macedonia and it holds a majority stake in Crnogorski Telekom, the leading telecommunications operator in Montenegro. Magyar Telekom's majority shareholder (59.21%) is MagyarCom Holding GmbH, fully owned by Deutsche Telekom AG.
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