Press Releases

90 Volkswagen Golf cars, 90 winners - in the quiz game to start tomorrow, T-Mobile customers can win one car every day

Budapest, October 1, 2009

T-Mobile is announcing a large-scale quiz game of 90 days for its postpaid and prepaid Domino card holder customers, in which one VW Golf car will be given away every day, until the end of the year.

In this quiz game, lasting from October 2 to December 30, customers of T-Mobile at least 18 years of age can send premium rate text messages to enroll, and after sending the message the player who collected the most points with the fastest correct answers on the given day will receive a new car. In the game altogether 90 5-door Volkswagen Golf cars will be given away.

To enroll, you just need to send the registration code „GOLF“ for the first time and only once, to the number 1727, and you can start playing. After registration you need to give the correct answer to multiple choice questions. The players will get points for every correct answer and their points are being accumulated during the game. If on any given day the player gives the correct answer to at least one question, they will participate in the game not only with the points earned on that day, but all the points collected up to that point. The more points a player has, the better chances they have to win the car of the day. Those who have already registered and played can continue the game the next day or later with the answer given to the last question, by sending a text message with any contents to the number of 1727.

T-Mobile will notify the winners on telephone, and the cars will be delivered after the game has terminated, in January. The registration fee and the fee of the text messages sent during the games is 300 HUF gross. Received text message are free of charge. Employees of companies involved in the organization of the sweepstake and their close relatives are excluded from the game. Those who have won a car in the game will also be excluded for the rest of the game.

You can find more information about the game and detailed terms and conditions on the web site of