Press Releases

T-Mobile and T-Home announce a contest with the title of “My life – My school”

Budapest, November 6, 2009

T-Mobile and T-Home announce a contest for those who are willing to realize their creative ideas in two-dimensional form. Contributions are expected in the categories of text, photo or video, presenting favorable experiences about the school, from a personal point of view. Qualifying contributions will be available for viewing on popular content sharing sites of the Internet.

After its popular advertisement authoring contest, now T-Mobile is launching a creative contest with the title of “My life.” The authors will decide within their own discretion whether they will create their contributions in the form of short text, photo or video, and upload these to the web site. The organizers intend to conduct several stages in this project, the first stage is about the “My school” topic. Articles, photos or videos answering the question of “Why do you or did you love your school? Why would you recommend it to others” are expected until December 1, 2009, from every contestant of 18 years of age or older who feel that they can formulate their favorable experiences and thoughts in a creative and novel form about their former or current school, and are ready to share these with others. The works sent to the contest and compliant with the call for contributions will be added after pre-screening on YouTube, Flickr, web sites, where members of the general public will be able to vote for them.

In the assessment of the contributions the three-member jury will select one single winner from the three categories. The author of the most ingenious and unique contribution will receive the grand prize, a bank card worth 1 million HUF. In the grant a sort of ranking will arise among the well-liked schools, when the contributions are uploaded, the name of the relevant school is to be given. As a special prize, the educational institute whose name is mentioned in the most contributions will receive a precious T-Mobile gift package.

Based on the votes of the viewers, one viewer’s award will be granted in each of the three categories, which is a bank card worth 100 thousand HUF. The viewer’s award will go to the authors of the most viewed pictures and videos and to the entry rated as five by the most visitors. Viewers may cast their votes until December 4, 2009, at noon.

The detailed conditions of the contest and other relevant information are available on the web site of