Press Releases

Telekom Donation Line for expectant mothers in crisis and their children

Budapest, March 12, 2009 16:15

Gólyahír Egyesület (Stork News Association) can be supported by calling the Telekom Donation Line 1788 in March and April.

The objective of the association established nine years ago is to support expectant mothers in crisis, and to create conditions in which they can safely bring their pregnancy to term and give birth.
The association helps expectant mothers, who want to bear their children in secret, gain admission to a hospital and during their pregnancy to the maternity home and crisis room of the association.
The association gives advice and information to expectant mothers anywhere in Hungary, any day, also on the free crisis line supported by Magyar Telekom. A high priority function of Gólyahír is to seek parents through open adoption for unborn children whose own family cannot or does not want to raise them. In the process of open adoption the birth parents get to know the adoptive parents before giving the unborn child to their charge. Immediately after their birth the children are given to the adoptive parents, to a family. Any family that has already adopted and any professional who wants to do something for children can become a member of the association.

Gólyahír Egyesület will use the money collected on the Donation Line to create a new crisis hostel with room for several expectant mothers.

Telekom Donation Line (1788) has been operating for seven years from Magyar Telekom's fixed and mobile networks; one call or SMS costs HUF 100. Calls are not subject to VAT except calls made with Domino prepaid cards. The amount collected this way during the two months will be donated in full to Gólyahír Egyesület.