Press Releases

Delfin Award from Magyar Telekom

Budapest, June 23, 2009 16:00

Magyar Telekom has recognized those suppliers that offer outstanding performance in the field of sustainability. It gave the Delfin Award (which is an acronym of the Hungarian words: Award for a Committed, Sustainable, Innovative Generation) for the second time in three categories. The award was given to suppliers who manifest outstanding commitment to sustainable development and offer exemplary performance in the field of sustainability. The prizes were presented to the category winners by Éva Somorjai, Chief HR Officer of Magyar Telekom at the 10th Sustainability Round Table discussion.

Proactive Management Consulting was declared winner of the "Support of equal opportunity and promotion of non-discrimination inside and outside the company" category. The company has created an organization called Napra Forgó (SunFlower) Kft., whose activities focus on the inclusion in the community of disadvantaged people and through this, promotion of their return to the labor market. By now this organization has evolved into a business venture that generates its own revenues.

Genex Vállalkozás- és Befektetésszervező Zrt. has won the award in the "Climate protection investment and development" category. The company was first in Hungary to build a zero-emission factory. This can be an example for other Hungarian businesses too. No winner was announced in the category of sustainability education and awareness raising. The jury said that no appreciable application was received in this category.

Ericsson Hungary was given the Delfin Award in the category of "Innovation realized in the interest of sustainability (positive change in the social and environmental impacts)". With a team consisting purely of Hungarian engineers they developed an innovative technology which enables the manufacture of telephone exchanges without using environmentally dangerous materials while also consuming less energy. Since that time this innovation has become a widely used solution at Ericsson.
Cisco Hungary also submitted a strongly argumented application, so they were given a Special Award. One of the biggest challenge for the big enterprises is to reduce carbon dioxide emission that goes with their production. Telepresence (Cisco's application) offers a highly innovative solution for this, while also contributing to the protection of the climate.

The awardees have received the work of glass artist Péter Botos who created it specially for the purpose of the award, and they were also invited to Magyar Telekom's Sustainability Day in September where they will also have the opportunity to present their achievements in the field of sustainability.

With the Delfin Award Magyar Telekom wishes to raise publicity for the idea of sustainable development and to recognize outstanding efforts in this field. The awards were presented in a formal ceremony on the occasion of the 10th Magyar Telekom Sustainability Round Table discussion.

Magyar Telekom considers sustainability, and efforts to harmonize economic, social and environmental interests, as a long-term strategic principle. Its sustainability activities, which also encompass environmental considerations, cover all member companies of the group. The Magyar Telekom Group is making every effort to integrate these principles in all aspects of its operation, and through its example it wishes to encourage its suppliers to respect the environmental considerations. This is why it started the Delfin Award in the spring of 2008.

At the 10th Sustainability Round Table discussion Magyar Telekom presented its results in the field of sustainable development. The purpose of the event, which has been organized since 1997, is to bring the group closer to those parties with which it comes into contact in the course of its operations, and also to learn more about the problems and demands that arise during their activities.

For more information about the round table talk and the Delfin Award visit:,
More information is available about the sustainability day at